VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

Are you slow? what part of he deletes and edits his posts don’t u understand?

I do not know that word in English.


That’s not teamwork pal… that’s viewers agree upon…

I was talking about evidence what John did wrong. He could not show any. Just empty talk

Not if, it’s always the same group of viewers.

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Yeah always the same ones. That is pretty obvious.

the same 3 people are liking your posts are you in a team?

And why is that a problem for you? Did you get any disadvantage by that?

No worries glad to help

Me reading this at midday in desert rn
Face GIF

Do not worry lunch break here soon :wink:

yes, they agree with me on this topic, not on everything that I write.

Oh how cute we should think of a name then, as team seems a bit redundant, is your team called blue1987 or you gonna go with jabbethwinner?

not just this topic

Yes that is fine. I agree, the issue was he was trying to start the Cinderella forum topic before the realm even launched. That isn’t fair to anyone. Everyone should be given the same opportunity to start a new participant forum topic. The way that is done is waiting until the realm launches before starting the topic. That is all I was asking for, fairness. Somehow it upset him I guess. You know how he can get when he really likes a participant/guest. He can get a little hostile and/or irrational.

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I wish you were at least funny :roll_eyes:

Anyway, Enough has been said on this matter. Have a good day you all.

Why is that such a problem for you? Just start the topic for the next realm if you want. Basically it does not matter at all who starts a topic…

Just been reading all the pages and pages of contentious crap on here and you wonder why so many people have got pissed off with this forum recently, including me, and wanting nothing more in the main to do with it.
So many people just want to get the better of everyone else just to satisfy their self centred views and opinions.
Everyone just wants to score points against others all the b___dy time.

I’m sorry kaya. Did I accidentally do all of this?? :face_with_peeking_eye: :astonished:

I promise I was trying to ask my question about the flagging issues as civilly as possible.

it was this post