VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

Well you are not innocent at all.

c___dish behavior if you ask my personal opinionā€¦

unable or u_______g to remain objective, both of forum visitors and TL3 participants

Comes all down to the stupid banters with John and the other people. People attacking him and making fun of him while he keeps answering them. Makes the forum a complete fuck up lately

neither do you

Never participanted in any of the banters there. Just started to consequently flag this crap as OT lately.

Excuse me jabba did I ever once say I was completely innocent in the matter? You are not innocent in the matter either my friend. What I was trying to do was not name any names. What good does that do besides creating more drama and animosity?

Yeah? Tell me when I was involved in any of that banters?

Itā€™s really a one way street is it? Think you need to open your eyes a bit more

You should read my comment again, understand it and then we can talk about ā€œOne way streetā€ again.

Never mind, You really are blind to it

Comments like these only instigate the problem. The best thing to say especially coming from a Leader would have been to not say anything at all.

Yes it is. you, Torey, NotSeth and JamesDean ( rarely Samoan_Warewolf joins in ) are constantly attacking him which is just disgusting.

What do you mean? I wrote John is a part of it too. He is an easy victim for everybody as he keeps responding to the crap people write about him.

Thanks. So I am not the only one seeing it that way.

Not a threat but a statement that itā€™s not okay or healthy for community and Iā€™ll need to find a way out :woman_shrugging:

Yes, itā€™s obvious what they are doing.

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Better it will work same for everyone :blush: and in same wayā€¦.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

He likes to play the victim, but he is often the one starting the drama. He just does it in a much more low-key manner. I do not know what this has to do will our flagging issue though.

Show me an example please?

Still donā€™t know why our leaders are saving him for being hypocrite first he praise girls then create drama and when they donā€™t do anything according to him he spread hatredā€¦.

But still he is innocent one :joy::joy: