VHTV news feed

Only new guests when they got a name? I think we can do that. :+1:

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Listen, don’t give a s__t, I communicate with everyone the same way, whoever considers it necessary will answer, but no, then no. I will not be offended that someone did not answer me. But for all the time that I have been in this community, there has never been that someone would not answer me. Probably because I don’t throw my s__t at the vintiler, but I behave appropriately

I never had any problem with you. All I wanted to say was that I liked how the topic started and then the troll came and ruined it. I am happy you are still here discussing with me after he made the others leave with his utter bulls__t…

Yes exactly

Your pathetic attempts at insulting people and this forum won’t work, you can a___e people as much as you like, it only shows what a small minded idiot waste of space that you are, you are entitled to your views, and we are entitled to ignore then, because to be perfectly honest the more you spout your idiotic tirades, the more stupid you make yourself look. :expressionless:

Would look like that then:

  • New realm64: Helena & Neferteri
  • Realm73: Siora left the project. Nari and Bari joined the project
  • Realm65: New guest girl Hikaru
  • New realm32: Bella & Leo
  • New realm1: Gaia & Grayson
  • Realm88: June & Jaro and Sava and Grischa moved in. Demira & Myagi moved out
  • New realm76: Demira & Myagi rejoined
  • Realm89: Pasha & Arina back from relocation
  • Realm87: New guest guy Nils

Yes, and I recommended you to ban everyone who bothers you, why didn’t you do that? Lazy or boring to look at an empty forum?

He is making a fool out of himself for years now and he does not even recognize… :see_no_evil:

[quote=“jabbath1987, post:50, topic:10383”] Sava and Grischa[/quote] moved in - where? 1. visit 2. another apartment

[quote=“jabbath1987, post:50, topic:10383”] Demira & Myagi [/quote] moved out - where? 1. on vacation , 2. left the project

Don’t think it’s important the thing about the guests visiting 40 apartment on a daily base. that will consume a lot of time and a VHTV news feed should be about who are direct part of the project.

About the guests could be placed on the apartment topic if anyone know who is who or he is already on wiki

I wrote realm88 before that.

  • Realm88: June & Jaro and Sava and Grischa moved in. Demira & Myagi moved out

I guess he only meant new people visiting for first time. That is not so many.

I never pay attention to trolls, I tried to convey this idea to the CEO, but he did not understand me :frowning:

they came to visit for how long? If it is for a week, then it makes sense, but if today there and back, then it will be a lot of information

arrived for the weekend, arrived for a week, for a month

I don’t think there is a way (or need) of vhtv have to be asking all the time to 40 apartments if the visits are only fuck and leave or fuck, s___p, fuck, leave, or spend a few days

In case of housesitting i agree as VH normally is already informed of that

Still should be just a feed and not a place for questions about who, where, how, when

RLC have something like that on their main page and i think it’s simple, direct and it works well for that purpose of news feed info

I mean such guests, if new guests have come who have not yet been on the project. A small note that new guests came to such a realm who had not yet been on the project and their names are then from the news it will be easier to add all this to Wikipedia. News is like a draft of Wikipedia :wink:

I banished that asshole (and I’m polite …) so I don’t see his v___t coming out of his mouth. How relaxing! :smirk:

so he does not write, the flow of guano has dried up, this is not a cornucopia :wink:

Normally the guests names are added randomly by the community and based on their actions and if something was saved on archive (it helps to identify future moments on archive) . There are many guests that visits and never had a name associated. Just imagine 5 years, 40 apartments how crazy would be that guest list :smiley: First place where they are added is on wiki as they have no name till there

VH itself have no direct idea on who is who when they are visiting or even are informed of that visits by tenants. From the perspective i saw the post, it’s about tenants/realms information.

that’s why i said that the part of guests can be talked directly on the realm topic instead making that a big deal to be part of the main informations on the feed