VHTV Best Apartment Poll #30 โ€“ ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿผ Christmas Edition ๐ŸŽ

Thank you kindly for the extra days and coins. Much love. :heart:

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Thank you very much @VHTV_James ! :pray:t3:

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Thanks for the extra days and coins. Much appreciated! :+1: :100:

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Thanks for the coins

This morning I found five free days. Thank you very much VHTV!

thank you for the free premium days, my coins went straight to Amelie and Lucas realm8 for a small contribution to help against the agressor


Thank you very much for the Christmas gift, or maybe itโ€™s a Valentineโ€™s Day gift. Whichever it is itโ€™s VERY much appreciated!!
:tada: :clap: :partying_face:

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Thank u for the coins and the days. :+1:

Free days where ? Maybe for me to ?

Thank you for the free days and coins. Very appreciated. :heart:

Merry Christmas!!! :christmas_tree:


Thank you very much! :two_hearts:

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Very nice thought & thanks for the entertainment & support! :gift_heart: :christmas_tree: :santa: :gift:

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This is the first time I got 15 coins how does it work? Can I spread them out or do I have to use it all at once?

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Thank uou very much

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Thank you as always @VHTV_James much appreciated :pray:


I just looked at the winners of the raffle again. Medea, Dennis and Philippa actually won free days and coins as participants. It was said that participants did not have the right to vote. As a result, they canโ€™t actually win anything.

Donโ€™t participants have a free premium account anyway? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

@VHTV_James @kaya

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thanks for even considering the folks with limited incomeโ€ฆ i appreciate the free timeโ€ฆ


Many thanks!!!

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Daar zou ik ook graag eens een antwoord over willen hebben als het kan , door VHTV .

Maar in ieder geval THX vhtv voor mijn beloning

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As Dennis is not a participants anymore, he can easily vote. Also, i just seen that Medea is not registered into the Participants category, just using a normal premium account. So she could also vote. The only weird one is Philippa, her account it is registered into the Participants category :thinking: