VHTV Best Apartment Poll #30 – 🎅🏼 Christmas Edition 🎁

In all that you haven’t shown explicitly VHTV using the poll is for decorations, this is your interpretation.
Anyway this is beyond a stupid discussion as I am pretty sure it is all meant for fun.

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So, @VHTV_James where are the prizes for taking part? Normally they are announced nearly immediately after the vote closes, it is now 2 days after close.

Now don’t get impatient. :sweat_smile:

What is a Christmas Apartment if it doesn’t include decorations for gods sake.
@Just_In talking out his rear end again.

Since VHT has the detail of giving something away, I don’t think it’s a matter of demanding anything. I would particularly consider having given you the award you deserve.


I was waiting for you to poke that nose of yours in (must have sobered up a bit by now then :rofl:).Since you clearly know way better then me pal please show exactly where VHTV said above anything about decorations had to be used.

What he did state was those apartments present sharing the Christmas/NY mood, now at the base level all they needed to do was have some sort of party or big dinner with guests celebrate the time of year which some did do.


So far it has been the case with almost every competition that there was a motto, but the forum participants have chosen their favorites, often regardless of whether they have done anything for this motto.

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Hello ,
When will we receive our “gift” following the vote for Christmas decorations?

The gifts are for Christmas. Only lasts 11 months and 10 days… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

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any news about the “rewards”?


No News about the regards … :cry:

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Don’t know how to tell you this pal but you may have hit out there :laughing:

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Rewards were paid to the managers …

Rewards to the apartments must be passed on to the managers …

Rewards to forum participants … none were promised …

Rewards were not promised, in fact they were GUARANTEED.
VHTV wrote if you take part in the survey…
However, it was not the participants and managers who voted, but WE, the forum participants.

So we dutifully wait for the “guaranteed random rewards”…


Well you got another year for the next chance, be patient :joy:

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don’t worry, I’m patient. I just pointed out to Max_muster what VHTV posted about the raffle… :wink:

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By participating into this poll you receive an opportunity to receive guaranteed randomized rewards once it’s finished :gift:

You’re alluding to the sentence, aren’t you? I’ll do one on VHTV …

Unfortunately, no one won the random selection of rewards … everyone drew a blank … :rofl: :joy:

@VHTV_James I can be bribed, for this new truth I’ll gladly accept a month of Premium as payment. :joy: :rofl: :innocent:

They key word is opportunity. It is like getting a chance to receive something. Very vague instruction. Sounds more like a maybe or perhaps. Not a definite yes or 100% definite.

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It’s contradictory: “receive an opportunity” is a vague maybe and then :guaranteed randomized rewards: also contradicts itself. The whole thing is meaningless.