VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

This is more like fighting at will without technique. :hugs:

Always thought you were male or are you in the process of identity change :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nope just too lazy to find another gif as this was the first one to show up :joy::joy:

So you donā€™t like pussy then I take it?? :thinking: :hushed:

Do you plan on tattling to kaya again about the problem? :face_with_monocle: :see_no_evil:

What are you talking about? And why mentioning Kaya when i havenā€™t said anything ?

Oh I donā€™t know maybe this?

For the last week whenever there has been a cam problem you have been crying to kaya. Even when she has politely asked you not toā€¦ :pensive:

I have only done it because i thought that she can sort the issue i was talking about (hiding for hours in the loggia without cams). After she told me that itā€™s a task for support, i havenā€™t done it anymore.

Does this count as hiding from the cam for oursā€¦ :roll_eyes:

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Exactly, kaya keeps kindly asking us to talk to support. Unfortunately some of the forum members who lack patience or think they are special refuse to listenā€¦

I seriously donā€™t know the answer. I know that kaya told us to use support primarily, but also that she will also help if/when she can. On that matter i have used support at first and only after i also tagged her. Maybe i should have waited a little bit longer before doing so

I will send a ticket to support shortly as from the moment operator side the cameras are clearly marked as mixed up with cam 4 been named the toilet with the number 110

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If youā€™re referring to R87, the cams are still mixed up. All the bedroom ones are mixed up, also cam 3 is mixed up with cam 4

No i was referring to Artem and Tristan apt. Derek and Gina(R87) apartment seem fine to me i donā€™t see what you are on about there.

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I am talking about how the cameras numbers are on the apartment plan vs reality.

If you look at the apartment plan at Derek&Gina you will see what i am talking about. All the bedroom cams are mixed up (it happen when Edrym tried to fix them but he managed to mix them up even more, lol) also cam 3 and cam 4 are mixed up.

I see it now al they need to do is redo the plan and it should be fine.

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Yes, or just physically change back the cams how it was. It takes 2 minutes.

What kind of video format do you use? I canā€™t ever seem to get your videos to work for me

try another browser, Firefox works fine

No problems with Chrome!