VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Yes he mentioned it and then you double downed on it with your unsubstantiated claims that we are lying about it

I never said you were lying, I said it’s not a proven fact, and I have no reason to trust his/your words.

So you think we are being dishonest then but never mind we can stop going around in circles now

I will wait for you (give me time to charge the batteries)… :joy: :joy:

Yep a re boot often solves a host of problems, a PC is much like a woman and often very illogical which is solved with a good kick up the backside :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well, you see ? As being my fav former participants, i kept in touch with them about how they are doing. Not much different than yours.

No, again I did not say that. I don’t know who you are, to me you are just an anonymous member of a porn forum. I have no reason to believe everything that you say, is it that hard to understand ?

Except you would and do give them advice on how to live their lives and what they should and shouldn’t do on the site.


Again correct

You don’t find me credible anyway so you don’t believe anything I say which is fine

Does that mean I can’t trust your words either? That makes me sad… :sob:

I relax beer in hand and cigarette I enjoy the comparisons between you users… :joy: :joy:

What are you talking about now? Do you know something that i don’t ? They are not even on the site anymore…lol

Does Queen know that? I could have sworn she has been in Flora’s realm the last few days. Lelya must be Queen’s twin sister then.

You only need to trust someone’s words if they are making a claim or pretend to be someone in order to gain something ( respect, status, etc … ). I don’t do anything like that here, so trusting is not required. :laughing:

Seth, in case you missed what happened last days, she isn’t at Flora for Vhtv… :wink:

@shyguy do you find everything funny or you are just easily entertained ? :laughing:

Sorry can’t help it, you should not be so much of a comedian

You said she wasn’t at VHTV at all. :rofl:

Well, i won’t go any further into details, this is enough, she isn’t now here for Vhtv

It’s ok, don’t be sorry. everyone has their own personal issues :wink: