VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Pleasant afternoon felicitations to you too, good sir!

carry on and you might just turn our friend @robwin normally hes a argumentative old soul but in your hands hes putty :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Who little ole me? you must obviously confused me with someone else pal :laughing:
Iā€™m just lovely and cuddly :hugs:

I agree. In our hands as you put it, Rob actually behaves quite softly. :heart_eyes: :hugs:

well lets just say

Yay, cuddle timeā€¦just come a little closer, would you?

Sorry man but you sort of asked for that!!! :laughing:

@robwin see you old bugger ā€¦ you can pull a youngster , your never to old ,@David just invited you on a date :rofl: :rofl:

Ok 2 things hereā€¦

  1. Thank you for the ā€œyoungsterā€ reference - I am 47 so I will take that as a compliment!

  2. Not a date YETā€¦itā€™s only the first cuddle at this stage. :laughing:

Bugger, you both got me blushing now, phewwwww :hot_face:
On a Sunday afternoon too so must be special :heart_eyes:

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to him it will be a date ,he dont get many chances any more ,so pls dont break his heart :rofl:

An age i used to aspire to :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Fair enoughā€¦

@robwin Ok so we are officially datingā€¦apparently! :open_mouth: :blush:

Seems so but donā€™t tell everyone, just keep it to ourselves for now pal :hugs: :laughing:

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Well yes indeed. No-one else reads this public forum so we should be ok. :laughing:

Hope you all have an amazing Sunday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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You going somewhere then?

Noooo I was just nice and wanted to wish you all a great Sunday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

what you after, ??? promotion ,love, respect, sorry bud none of these are open to you , :rofl:

Give him a hug :wink:

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ermmmmmmmmm ā€¦NO ! :rofl: