VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Is a video call a phone call?

A video call is a phone call using an Internet connection, sometimes called VoIP, that utilizes video to transmit a live picture of the person making the call

I don’t really care about it. I am used with him for a long time. What bothers me is that he started harassing participants now in order to get my reactions

replying to ONE participant ONE TIME is not harassing participants

@jamesdeenV3 please stop trying to stir the pot. These “gotchas” you are trying to come up with are not as effective as you think they are.

Maybe you could put John on ignore and try to contribute in a positive way to some topics of the realms you enjoy and avoid the ones of participants you seem to dislike

thank you. i will take that into consideration

hey mate!!

that is private information!

Yesterday you told me that it is not allowed to be shared? :innocent: :innocent:

Good try…lol :laughing:

We all can see her on the phone screen.

Yesterday wasn’t the case :wink:

now what? the rules are only for others?

Ik heb even een vraagje @kaya
Een vriend of vriendin die op bezoek komt , wordt deze ook aanzien als deelnemer aan VHTV ?

No, usually just guest status given to those who visit. Participants are those you see listed on the main site, along with their time zones.

Oh by the way, I haven’t turned into Kaya, all of a sudden! :laughing:

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Dank je wel Ka euuuuch David :slight_smile:

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You are more than welcome my friend and I hope you didn’t mind me jumping in to answer, instead of Kaya. I also hope Kaya wouldn’t mind me answering for her either.

Absolutely not, and thank you for a great reply :smiling_face:

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Such an antagonistic group of people on here tonight, where will it ever end? :laughing:

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Are you sure you meant “antagonistic”?
:question::thinking: :blush:

“showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something.”

I think Robwin might have been referring to the exchanges between a few chatters, before Wario’s question and my responses.

@robwin Please correct me if I am wrong.

That’s possible, but that was so long ago and he didn’t quote anybody, I thought he was referring to the more recent conversation between you, Wario and Kaya.

No, I wouldn’t imagine so. Anyway, perhaps the man himself will clarify things, when he returns from ‘the land of nod’ (assuming he is still there, at this time on a Sunday morning). :slight_smile:

Yes young man i knew exactly what i meant which is why i used that word.
To use another phrase which many may understand better could be s__t stirring :laughing:
Antagonism is rife in most topics by certain members as i am sure you may have noticed and possibly even commented on from time to time in your own elequent manner.
As my fellow member David has pointed out to you my comment had nothing to do with him at all

You are quite right David with your own eloquent assessment :hugs:
By the way good afternoon to you.

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