VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

A post was merged into an existing topic: Flamy

I Want to Thanks a lot all the Member who likes my posts Unfortunately at the moment I canā€™t like Your posts because I have a limit of 1 like every 45 minutes Thank You Again !!


I do not think anybody will mind :grin:


An ancient Greek saying said ā€œzero before the end was blessedā€, i.e. ā€œdonā€™t call anyone happy before you see their endā€. It was a saying of Solon, an Athenian ruler and one of the seven wise men of the ancient Greece

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I just think that is kind of funny and odd that you make posts where you apologize for not liking posts. It is not that everybody here is waiting for the ā€œEros likeā€ on their posts.
It is not so important than you might think :wink:

I think itā€™s serious and not funny at allā€¦
when a Man has the humility to apologize even if he didnā€™t do anything Unfortunately we have a different culture Iā€™m afraid you wouldnā€™t be able to understand me no matter how hard I tried

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Eros knows, unfortunately, that moral-philosophical elegies are nowadays a blank slate. :disappointed_relieved: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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I also know to get into the philosophical concept one must be 49 or older to get answers that he never got when he was young he will get them one by oneā€¦ thatā€™s a different stage while you growing up if you donā€™t have quests you lose it essence of lifeā€¦ it passes you by like a train but you are never on timeā€¦
( Life is just as a lightning ā€¦ but weā€™re catching up)

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Eu no passado 12 de Junho fiz 53. Tenho 2 filhos e tento transmitir para eles os valores que recebi :smiling_face:

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Everything in life happens for a reason What You do is the most precious thing one could do. You do it for two, The joy will be double when you get the Thanks from life and from your children

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Congratulations on your humility, not everyone has it. What I think is that the World is increasingly ā€œPrideā€ and for me this feeling is horrible. ā€œPrideā€ is a manifestation of pretense of superiority over other people. Itā€™s arrogance and exaggerated self-confidence. Thatā€™s what I feel. :hugs:

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I agree with everything you wrote, todayā€™s Society has lacks values, hides inner weaknesses, lacks confidence lack of humility and modesty
PS Thank You for your words from a Man who stood so strong in his life


Dear Members For those that like my posts I Guess I am the only Member who have restriction Plan on likes last restriction was for 10 hours ( 2 hours left )
(then again 3 likes every 1 hour)
I humbly apologize for not being able to like your posts
Other then that I am not complain there are much worse things like in my Region People are still suffering many die from Covid 19 or from other diseases. Health is everything !! what happens to me is a drop in the ocean
PS I also stop uploading pictures because I donā€™t like getting likes and not being able to giveā€¦ If the restriction is lifted I will continueā€¦ Unless I need to upload something interesting that deserves attention Plus 2-3 pictures in a week of Realms Ariela, Amelie, Oscar & Pearl,Ubaldo&Bo, Henry, Rachel, Alecia, Camille,Pinky- which have always been my favorite Realms Thank You Allā€¦!!

PS 2 That is my reward for uploading pictures 16 hours a day 7 Days a Week for 1 & half Year trying my best for the Forum & VHTV


seriously !!! i think your over playing the victim card here. i think your a decent guy who enjoys this forum and does alot for it , but to feel victimised over something as petty as giving and recieving likes , 99.9% of us here really dont give a shit wether we get likes for our comments etc ,we post them because we want to , and not to get a reaction. and if you really feel as though you must like more than 50 post a day then instead of hitting the like icon , you can always =======
***ermmm !!! dare i show you a way round the daily limit likes restriction , without bringing the wrath of the community and even worse the scary lady who caused your pain lol *** , NOPE sorry to get your hopes up . in these circumstances your on your own
No Way Reaction GIF


Fully agree. Heā€™s making a fool out of himself by writing an apology each day that heā€™s out of likes.

Pretty sure nobody but him cares :joy:


All these problems were gone if that stupid leaderboard was gone too. Here you can vote if it should be removed

I have already said it wonā€™t be removed earlier :pray:t3:


thats what we call
OIP (5)
:crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Happy Married At First Sight GIF by Lifetime


Look at the fool talking, I knew this long before you came here, a child knows Iā€™m speculating. If I were sure I wouldnā€™t say that. The politically correct patrol had to at least understand the difference between speculation and certainty.
