VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

and if you also think about how much Flora wanted to switch from her old managers to the other one…

she even had sex with Connor at Ken and Barbie’s as a thank you to them for supporting her so much during the difficult time

I wouldn’t go that far on saying that the girls appearing on this site have class. Even more for any of the young ones that accept to be touched by Henry.

Oh sorry, there is one, Amelie. The only girl i can think off who seriously has class. She is on her own league


most of them are clones … all look just like Flora… and others ask her how they should behave, act or even copy her tattoo’s

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friend when they touch you a person you like you don’t understand anything anymore…

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Well, at least she had sex with a young and attractive one.

There are many examples here of young girls having sex with Henry as a thank you for support…how about that ?

anyway, enough for today
i will catch up tomorrow

have fun with your views :slight_smile:

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Personal eye candy is purely based on what the individual eye is observing in the instant moment. Goes for all of us. :kissing_heart:


all the cams in all the apartments are not working…

edit: everything works now

beats women without punishment. fucked up :slightly_smiling_face:poor women, set Mike Tyson on him, that’s fair :rofl: :rofl:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Funny’s & Jokes

Another one believing the fake news spread by the far right extremists…

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


it has nothing to do with vhtv but fi pleasure to introduce me newcomer her name is sunshine i found her in front of a pizza place walking scared i decided to take her home and take care of her…


what a cutie
how you gonna name her?
oh i read it… sunshine

welcome sunshine :slight_smile:


I don’t need to believe the right and not you, I believe my eyes :face_with_monocle: :rofl:

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and set up by mister Putker himself

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Then i suppose that your eyes can read this:

Sunshine looks a cute kitten. I am sure that you and :Sunshine will have lots of fun together. :hearts:


before I took it I checked if mom was nearby but I didn’t see anything…(the only thing I hope no one abandoned him also because he could have gone under a car at any time)…


if the 'poor victim’who was boxing against HER would have made a statement she should have dropped her gloves in the middle of the ring and NOT start the fight… the way she did it is ridiculous… i can’t win, so now i try it another way


Not only. Characters like Donald Trump and J.K. Rowling have fueled the fake news that she is a man as well. And many, many other far right extremists

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