VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well, thank you ChatGPT :slightly_smiling_face:


I don`t use Chatgtp a lot, but good gracious me how funny it can be depending on what I do. :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Just stop. Everybody in the world could tell him that he’s wrong. He will never admit it.
Just let it slide :joy:


over it dead horse GIF


Well, now you’re wrong. With Crossmyway’s posts, I understand what’s going on. If you or John had explained it that way at the start, this discussion wouldn’t have happened.


the worse way to close an argument/case is to make an accusation

perhaps now its time to declare it
True Crime Text GIF
you have to agree it makes sense :wink:

fuk me a facepalm from letsdothis , i never took you as one for prolonging arguments like some of the other knobs on here , have i been mistaken all this time , the whole discussion as been totally pointless, over something so trivial , it seems as though you have to have the last say , to say im shocked on how you have handled this situation is an understatement


Yesterday, I told him that if I was incorrect about anything, I’d be the first to tell him. Today, he came back with this.

“Everybody in the world could tell him that he’s wrong. He will never admit it.”

It wasn’t an accusation. It was a reply to his post and a statement of fact.

i understand what your saying , but i thought you more than most would of let this whole pointless discussion/argument be nipped in the bud along time ago , you know aswell as most , alot of these discusions get lost in translation /culture and a shit load of other interuptions ,stop taking things thats to heart , once yo let yoou gaurd down your open to more cannonfire ,the best way to win an argument is to let the other person think they won

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I’m a “why guy”, for lack of a better description. I get a certain satisfaction when I learn something I didn’t know before.

In this case, what they were saying made no sense to me, at all. Then, one post from Crossmyway and the heavens opened up, and it all became clear.

It wasn’t pointless or inconsequential, at least not to me. I learned something I never knew before. Mostly because I live in a country where the vast majority of people know only one language, including me. If we hadn’t continued the discussion, I would probably have never learned that.

I believe the best way to win an argument is threefold. Either get to a point where you realize you made an error, mistake, etc., or where the other person/people realizes they did. And sometimes, both sides get to “win”, for lack of a better term.

In any case, I believe both or all sides learn something, if they’re paying attention.

I don’t understand what you’re saying, here. Part of it seems like you’re contradicting what you said above these lines. Help me out. (And, don’t ask me which way I came in. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

No list of Realms & I can’t log in


They can’t go 24 hours without any problems lately


It’s getting really annoying now. I don’t even mention the problems i have with smooth playback and now this all the time.


@jabbath1987 Maybe not better to combine the Rooms freezing
 topic into the Chamber of Chatters? Same issue now posted in both.

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VHTV tonight feels like Derek & Gina’s Realm


Why is not it working ?

On another site, the cameras work but I can’t log you in

At Opera browser works like free Member I can watch only free rooms
The same who ever have apple mac safari