VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Vikings-House tv?


well you can ask them to undress ,i aint got the balls to ,


I won’t mind places in Iceland. Society is open minded and heating is free due to the hot water in the ground everywhere :metal::sunglasses:

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Tell the Viking ladies it’s a rule to come through the door naked and they can’t put clothes on unless the leave to go somewhere but when they come back clothes back off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Fox Tv No Choice GIF by Almost Family FOX


I Love It Genius GIF by Disney Jr.

So who will find the ladies for us? :rofl::innocent:


Hold auditions to see if they worth it I vote myself as a judge to get them in the door so u might have to ask someone else for the job :rofl:
Space Planet GIF by Major Tom


AHaha okay I will see what I can do :rofl::rofl:


I am actually rather glad if it does not remind you too much of me. :wink: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Nah they are not so advanced :joy:

The tenant has to tell the manager if they are away for more than 48 hours. Manager will ask VHTV to switch the place to offline on the site.
If this gets forgotten VHTV can impose a fine to that apartment.

Why they do it? Because they do not want that people earn money with an empty place when people click on it to see if somebody is there. This would be not fair compared to the other apartments.


Jabba, if I was incorrect about anything, I’d be the first to tell you.

You first said you didn’t translate their cat’s name. I said it sure looked like translation, based on the definition of the word.

Then, you and John both said that you were transcribing the name. I gave you definitions from several sources showing that was incorrect. Transcription means to provide a written copy of the spoken or recorded word without translation. Translation was, at that point, the correct word to use.

Much later, you claimed you were transliterating the word. I agreed that made a bit more sense, but that changed the meaning of the word in the process.

The original word means “bump”, according to two different translators. After your transliteration to “Schischka” in German, it now translates to “Shishka” in English, which you posted.

“Shishka” is a disparaging word for a non-jewish girl or woman, or a Jewish girl or woman who does not observe Jewish precepts.

Then, you threw ISO’s definition of transcription at me, even though I had said that was a better description of what you were doing. I don’t understand why that seemed important to you. There’s obviously nothing wrong with their definition, and I didn’t disagree with it.

So, what was incorrect? Nothing of what I said was speculation, conjecture, made up or guesswork. Everything I said was spot on and researched.

Now, what about the completely different meaning for the original word? Transliterating it to “Schischka” obviously doesn’t work because “Schischka” doesn’t mean “Bump”.

“Bump” is not a name, even though it’s being used as one in this instance. However, “Schischka” certainly doesn’t mean “Bump” in German or English.

Also, the only reason you don’t translate names is because they’re already in English to start with.

Very simple what is incorrect. This is incorrect :

The original word is “Shishka” and nothing else. It is a name and should be taken as it is. No need to search for meanings.

My name John, means “graced by God”, have you ever heard someone to say “graced by God” instead of John ?
Other example, David name means Beloved". again, have you ever heard someone to say “beloved” instead of David ?

The answer is simple: NO

And the list can go on and on and on.

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russell crowe lol GIF


All the system is out …

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All system back on…

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Now, you’re just gaslighting. The original word as Anderson wrote it is not “Shishka”. It wasn’t “Shishka” until it was transliterated to German. The original word as written by Anderson clearly translated to bump. The transliteration changed it completely.

John doesn’t translate to “graced by God”, neither does David translate to “beloved”.

Man, Шишка is a name, which, due to circumstances, was written using the Cyrilic alphabet. Converted letter by letter into the Latin alphabet, is Shishka (again, converted and not translated). So yes, the original word was Shishka and nothing else. If you need help with that specific alphabet, i can post it here for you.

Now you can simply and easily convert the name for yourself

I literally also posted the translation of Anderson’s full comment, a little bit further up. And it wasn’t any “Bump” in there.

Can i be the doorman ? :slightly_smiling_face:

scooby doo show GIF by Boomerang Official


This is exactly what, both me and Jabs, try to explain. Here, we only use names as they are literally and never their meanings. It is the only correct and accurate way to do it. Will be a total chaos if using meanings instead of the original names.


I never said they do. I said that is the meaning of them names. Same like Bump is one of the meanings for Shishka. And nobody ever uses the meanings of the names instead of the actual name. That was my point and also the whole point of this conversation/argument/misunderstanding/confusion (not sure which one is more accurate now)