VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

It’s about a post from 16d ago at Kirill, and a post from 23 dec. at Camille. At least that’s what it says in my list. Kaya moved Kirill, and Kaya moved Camille. That confused me a little, as I’m not familiar with all the features.

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a post of mine from Dec. 23 was also moved to camilla’s apartment yesterday…

Actually, what I meant is not worth mentioning. But only because my notifications list said that Kaya moved Camille and Kaya moved Kirill. But the posts are all where they were before, so it made me curious as to what might be behind it. That’s all. :laughing:

I assume that every single forum member who posted in them Topics, got that notification. It actually means that Kaya moved the Topics back into the Apartment Discussion

Yes, that could be the case. Thanks for the information :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

You are very welcome

@Lazurus_aka_Virgil thank you for that comment when you and another forum members tell me that it always make my day and I will always be that way and I will never change​:100: I appreciate it so much :hugs:
Thanks Thank You GIF by @InvestInAccess

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You wish you did you clueless ass kissing old fart :rofl: now my account is unsuspended people can realise this was said as a joke hence the lol emijo

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MAYBE the emoji was a red herring and MAYBE john is a clueless ass kissing old fart, :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: its not as though we know each other personally :rofl: :rofl: and MAYBE we just dont know :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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i see ya replying jonnyboy ,dont take offence im taking da pizzz lol

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Unfortunately for him, we can not change the offensive/insulting meaning of the words/slangs by simply adding a laughing emoji next to them…

Or maybe it is different up North ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

come on pal your not one to get offended easily , ive been called worse , just lap it up and
Happy Hour _____ing GIF

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@Samoan_Warewolf IS a cool cat .hes like me an adult comedian , if you get my drift ,

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Glad somebody gets it :handshake:


This is how we talk to each other in northern England we call it banter and can take jokes but after all we are English foreign people might not get the banter :+1: I no @Lazurus_aka_Virgil and @robwin understand and get the banter

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Nah it’s fine how it is

This is something that you should always be careful about. I can understand that you and not only you, are used to talk this way with friends or people that you know. And they are fine with it. In the end of the day, I do the same with my close friends, but, i will never dare to use the same words or sentences when talking with people that i don’t know very well personally, even more on a multi cultural international public forum. I assumed that you already knew that non native English speaking people will not get the banter. It is very offensive most of the times

Message received chief the banter will not come your way again :+1::handshake:

Although I am not a native English speaker, it was not difficult to understand “banter”.
Def: “Banter is teasing or joking talk that is amusing and friendly”. :innocent: :thinking:.


Fully agree my friend, this is totally Not done!!
But naming someone a Monkey in a tree is just fine :joy::joy: