VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well, that’s an interesting one. Say if you spend 12 hours on VHTV, that’s 83,333… :heart: every hour or 1,38 :heart: every minute.

Anyone up for the challenge :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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I think that is even above Eros’s capabilities of spreading the love but if anyone does find a way to do it then they can also try for this badge as well


To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a limit to the number of hearts you could award per day…so a sure sign I’ve never managed it. :sweat_smile:

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Oh s__t :joy:

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I only thought kids bothered about collecting badges…then again… :joy: :joy: :joy:
Or is this the big kids versions :rofl:

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As the big kid I literally am I have never bothered about them. But I know I have a lot of them though. :joy: :joy:

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Surely nobody is purposely trying to get the badges :joy:

It seems it is very surprising who does and apparrently values them :rofl:

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It’s a novelty to me when they do pop up although I do have a pretty rare one, only awarded to 13 people :joy::joy:


Isn`t those badges something you get assigned depending on your eventual actions or something? :heart_eyes:

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Wow, i can see your chest puffed out from here :joy:

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Well I was never joining the original “fight” for the top spots in the leaderboard race before Eros arrived so I’ll have this small token instead :joy::joy:

I have never been in the race for the tops spots in any leaderboard at all since I have joined here in the first place. That is just how it is. :joy: :heart_eyes:


I just never had the time or patience to post anymore then I do :joy:

I have actually on purpose reduced the length of my posts quite considerably. I use far less words now compared to earlier. :heart_eyes:

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The same as these Trust levels, i couldn’t give a s__t what level i am, as long as i can view, post and whatever else without any restrictions. :joy:
Having said that i believe i am Trust level 2 as most members are but it is an irrelevence to me i’m afraid.
As far as these silly badges go i have no idea what i have been so kindly awarded :joy:
You have to admit though it does all seem to be a wee bit c___dish.

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just dont give a toss about badges etc everyone is equal in my eyes no matter what badges titles or whatever other s__te gets bestowed on us for doing somethng , im probably the least comfomative member on here and some bright spark decided i deserved level 3 tag and called me a b___dy HERO . i mean if they gave something to me then that just goes to prove theres no incentive in them :rofl: :rofl:

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Let’s not go there again :joy::joy:

I wouldn’t want you to miss out so here you go :joy::joy:


Oh wow, i am really impressed now pal, i wasn’t aware i had been hob nobbing with hero’s and the like. Begining to feel very humble now, do i have to doff my cap as well? :rofl:
Is that what the title Community Hero means eh, i bow before you pal but don’t expect me to kiss your fucking feet :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I know for sure I am at TL 2. Do not want to advance any further. :joy: :joy:

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