
Oh really?? If you consider images like this:


or like this:

an ”only straight” realm you desperately need to get you eyes checked… :see_no_evil:


Bit concerning that the site is closed for ‘personal reasons.’ Are you able to shed any light @stanley ?

Ah but you didn’t prove it to be a gay apartment, the best you could imply is it could be bi.

Anyone knows what happened to this realm? Where’s Artem?

It looks like they are moving back to time zone 7


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Things can only get better.

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It isn’t a gay apartment but both Artem & Tristam have done gay stuff in the past so I think it’s maybe people watch more in hope that something will happen, and Artem & Tristan are definitely aware of their gay fans and play up on it. Me personally I have given up on them, they have done nothing remotely interesting since they came back.


From what I can discern they are currently short of cash as a result of a f___ed move to another country. I think there might be scope for improvement if their cash flow improves.


Who f___ed them to move to another country, @stanley?? :sweat_smile: I am pretty sure they chose to make the move of their own free will.

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Is Stanley secretly f_____g Artem to move closer to him by increments. That’s evil genius that is. :wink:

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it seems like all the +7 releams are moving to the same country where nikki started now all but this have gone there

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@stanley Would be most grateful please for an undate on our duo, even if I suspect the news is not good.


I don’t really have any news that I can give you at the moment. I don’t have a timescale for when the realm will be back online, not in the next few days, but hopefully sometime this month.


Maybe it’s time to announce them as “left project” ?

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Then you would be announcing something that isn’t correct.


I just think the past showed after so long time that places like that won’t return.


And as I read they have problems with money why not leave the project and start some work?
If they didn’t earn well shows that not many watched them so why stay in the project? It’s like beating a dead horse.


But you can’t guess an announcement based on what some other apartments have done in the past.

I chatted with Tristan yesterday and he gave me no indication that he had left the project and he was talking to me about being back online.


Do you believe everything that forum members post? Most of it is speculation and guessing.

They are not offline due to a lack of money.