Tea Mint


Dear members, someone has already started the new year, someone will have it soon, and someone is already celebrating I want to say thank you so much, for this year, unfortunately, we lost 90 realms, but we opened three new ones 80, 81 and 92, also our good old 91❤️

I want to say thank you so much for your wonderful messages to participants and guests, for your ideas and support,

Happy New Year dear Let’s open new projects and develop further🫂
I hug and love everyone :christmas_tree::gift::champagne::clinking_glasses::sparkler::fire:


Dear Mari, a happy new year to you too. :fireworks: :sparkler: :firecracker: :heart:

You’re doing a damn good job in your realms. :+1:


Happy New Year ur realms are :fire: keep up the great work :100:


Спасибо, дорогая❤ @Mohrchi @PacerColtsFan181062

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heavy sigh

I like Mintoeb. Nobody is perfect, but the ability to admit when you made a mistake goes a long way to redeeming any minor flaws.
That and a sweet little butt. That always helps.


He’s a VERY attractive young man, that’s for sure. I have really missed seeing him in this realm / apartment recently.


I really thought that they were going to make it because they had the good bad and the ugly but then she messes around with another guy and I guess or I’m assuming that she thought they were going to be an item because she even drew a picture of his face And then invited him back what a few days later and all he did was s___p in the living room next to her and then got up and disappeared before she even woke up so then I wonder not that I am saying this for a comment or for a reply from her But is she sure she made the right choice

Bro, I’m not going anywhere from you. It’s funny to watch her play solo)


Well, I see somebody has turned up mintoeb at lyia Anomalia house :eyes:

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I see you lol I hope that you have success there. I I am sad that you guys could make it work, but again I hope things go well where you’re at


Yes, I also hope that everything will be fine
Nice to be with you again

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That’s good to know, but I knew that, you said so further up the forum. :grinning:
I guess I was trying to say that I think you’re pretty cool, as well as being hot. (the admiration dichotomy).
However you haven’t answered the burning question directly: Will you be returning to Tea Mint’s apartment, or setting yourself up somewhere else? Either is good for me. :wink:


I wonder what could have happened, because the woman started crying terribly, but crying a lot, she was shaking, then she picked up about 3 knives and walked out.

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Three is a little excessive.