Statistics for the different sites in 2022, 2023 and 2024

not just that i guess most people want to see real amateur couples and parties yet most of the site is filled with single participant apartments doing pussy cam all day and now its even happening in couples apartments and scripted parties with the participants looking at the cams and forum every 5 mins.

yelling all our gods have abandoned us GIF by Epitaph Records
Get ready for loose more

Are you bored again? :thinking:

If yes, you can leave anytime. Maybe you know a place that is more suitable for you… :sweat_smile:

Told u I observe everything and learnt many thing just look at all comments….:sweat_smile::rofl::rofl: if viewers on this site have 100 viewers then only 8-10 viewers are more active and fake licking to control everything :rofl:

Kid like to play along with some viewers on this site but let me tell u some viewers can’t decide faith of others :smirk:

Look like telegram advertiser got hurt :rofl::rofl: man they are now relying on advertisements to manintain their TL level :sweat_smile:

There are quite a few who have an hissy fit if they don’t get their way on here

Kiddo gave reactions :sweat_smile: after some one else reacted :joy::joy: he and his playful things :sweat_smile:

June 2023: A slight uptick for VHTV, while RLC is up 19.5%

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Interesting. But not surprising.

Surprised to see the forum go up when interactions seem to be at a low

It also surprises me that VHTV has lost so many, they were bigger than RLC a couple of years ago, now RLC has twice as many additions.

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I can’t say about RLC but VHTV really needs something new and exciting to get more viewers again. It feels a bit like no progress for years…

Dont have an account subscription on RLC right now, but based on the news emails that comes once in a while. It do seem more stable in form of participants that is not moving and leaving all the time. With exeption off the holiday and appartments in Barcelona with new participants comes in when they need some money for a short while

August 2023 : RLC up 7,25%, VHTV down 4%, Camcaps up 12,97%, VHTV Forum up 1,84%

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Thank you again for providing the forum with these figures. Cheers

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September 2023: RLC down 8,67%, VHTV down 19,05%, CamCaps up 9,43 %, VHTV forum down 23,88%

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Hmmm some things in that statistic are strange. The sudden shift to France as most watching country might mean that some big cloud providers changed some routes so the last hop is counted as a French IP.
In general you have to take these statistics always with a grain of salt.

But thanks for providing them anyways :wink:

Hah I knew it. I did a tracrt to vhtv and the last hop has a geolocation in France.

Quite obvious the major providers changed some routes and tada France is the most visiting country all of a sudden :joy:

I “go from Germany to France” from hop7 to hop8 :joy:

Quite impressive the distance from Frankfurt to Paris in 13 ms :rofl:

If you assume a direct distance from 478km this is a speed of 132.372.000 kph

Sudden shift? It has been France for quite a while now, this is from May

Of course you do they even state themselves it’s estimated