Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Thank you for the information.

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Moments operators are people that are required to go to boring apartments and spice things up a bit. They have to do this at a moments notice, hence the name. :thinking:

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We aren’t doing a very good job then as none of the boring apartments have been spiced up recently.

I think the CEO has been overwhelmed at the number of tickets bringing up the huge remuneration packages the moments operators are getting and how they are not doing their jobs. Await the memo.

I didn’t know working miracles was in the job description. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hope she has a speedy recovery. I like seeing her. Wish her well please.


Are you sure that you are able to see every view of their actions in every other room? Maybe not. It’s personal and they don’t want you to see it… Your comment is irrelevant and stupid IMO.

What has happened to the sound in the bathroom? Why is it silent?

Maybe now they don’t want to be heard too? :joy:

We will definitely deal with this incident. But in the future it will be faster if you ask @MilkaFox such questions.

Thanks. But It has been some time since Milka was active here…

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Thank you very much for helping.

As Jabbath has said MilkaFox hasn’t been on the forum since 10 September.


That’s just two weeks. Maybe she was on vacation. Maybe she’s been sick. Maybe there was a death in the family. There are numerous reasons for her absence.

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что со звуком в ванной я не знаю ,в любом случае мы ищем дом куда сможем переехать так как ситуация с соседом сверху доходит до критической точки

Наш сосед становится все более невменяемым . Сегодня он снова пытался выбить двери квартиры . Угрожая покалечить нас . К сожалению мы не успели вызвать полицию … Но к нашему счастью это сделал он сам . Он жаловался что вчера в 5 утра мы разбудили его детей и не давали им спать . ( Что-то я не помню чтобы мы громко себя вели ) Ну и в добавок он попытался подраться со мной в присутствии полиций .
Мы написали заявление в полицию

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At least this time, they didn’t send armed state troopers in order to arrest camgirls :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

They never send pretty policemen. roc nation sigh GIF by Samuel Larsen

но по крайней мери они вели себя профессионально

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Neighbour sounds like a right knob

He’s quite handsome though! :wink: :arrow_up: