Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Hell to the yay yay! :heart_eyes:

(I don’t talk like that at all)

I wonder what that padlock (which I have only just noticed by the way) on his neck chain is for :innocent:

I’d use a bigger one on him.

We have crazy lesbian neighbours. sit in their kitchen listening to torch songs until 5am. it’s annoying but I don’t see a reason to call the police. besides, you never mess with butch lesbians. Sorry. struggling to stay on topic. I’m going to miss the living room here if there’s a relocation. the warm ambience is nice. too many apartments feel sterile. I like the ones that look homely.

I know right. What difference does it make? They see them naked everywhere else, are folk really that sad that not seeing the full length of a bath triggers them so much. Pathetic. :joy:

I am sorry this has happened to you. I think you have a very nice apartment and I hope you will have no more trouble from the idiot next door.

Спасибо большое . Мы ищем место которое нам понравится . Действительно очень много квартир выглядит слишком стерильно либо ужасно
Квартира в которой мы сейчас находимся по первом просмотре показалась мне очень уютной и немного страной , идеально подходит для нас )

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Well you are writing that for nearly a year now that you look for a house without any neighbors nearby. Can’t be so difficult huh? :thinking:

here is the translation"“”
negative …
We have an agreement in our house that we can have sex with each other in a dream) I even managed to fuck them in the ass so that they did not wake up.
But if a stranger touches them in a dream, they immediately wake up

Thanks a lot . We are looking for a place that we like. Indeed, a lot of apartments look too sterile or awful The apartment we are in now on the first viewing it seemed to me very cozy and a little country, perfect for us)


Thanks a lot . We are looking for a place that we like. Indeed, a lot of apartments look too sterile or awful The apartment we are in now on the first viewing, it seemed to me very cozy and a little country, it is perfect for the sound in the bathroom, I don’t know, in any case we are looking for a house where we can move as the situation with the neighbor from above reaches a critical point Our neighbor is getting more and more deranged. Today he again tried to knock down the doors of the apartment. Threatening to cripple us. Unfortunately, we did not have time to call the police … But fortunately for us, he did it himself. He complained that yesterday at 5 am we woke up his c___dren and did not let them s___p. (Something I do not remember that we behave loudly) Plus, he tried to

You don’t have to copy text for translation, there is a globe icon under the person’s comments which will translate when pressed.

Why are you translating everything? There is a translate feature here on the site and everybody knows how Google translate works…

I feel very stupid now. Thanks

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sorry i wasnt aware and was trying to be helpful

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I think we’re having technical difficulties with the bathroom camera, we’ve fixed that.

Wow, I want this sexy guy :stuck_out_tongue:

Will he return ? :heart_eyes:


Mrs Curvy in the House :heart_eyes:

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Who is Mrs Curvy ? please

I love seeing her in the house. My eye candy is back. I am struggling not to fall in love with her :heart_eyes: :kissing_heart: :ireland:

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:fire::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :kissing_heart:


@Sophia_Elon do you have a recommended name for this guest?

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Да это сложно
Самое первое это финансовый вопрос Так как нужно заплатить за первый и последний месяц +%риелтора + оплата этой квартиры Для нас это внушительная сума

Второе дом должен находиться в пределах города иначе к нам будет сложно приехать .

Третье дом должен быть с сауной .

Четвертое в доме должна быть возможность подключения к быстрому интернету .

Пятое горячая вода не должна быть только за счёт бойлера

Шестое в доме должна быть нормальная канализация а не септик

Седьмое это подходящий внешний вид

Все что я написал выше легко найти только если увеличить стоимость квартплаты выше того что мы можем себе позволить.