Sophia, Elon, Claudia

Well in that case why not respect the tenants wishes? This is being blown up out of all proportion just because you can’t see the end of a b___dy bath, get a grip for gods sake.

in that case what if a someone came around and only wanted a hall cam? :rofl:

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My argument may be stupid to you but hey if you are in this project, you get paid to participate. Therefore you in the whole way or not? It would be a ridiculous project and very frustrating for the viewers if participant had all the say. If you happy with that concept then simply go back to being a non subscriber.

Yes I am sure. And I wonder why you worry about it? :thinking:

Yeah or all cams pointed to the ceiling… :joy:

For me it’s a simple yes or no question.

Is it within the rules (ie the contract the participants signed up to) for them to refuse to have a camera pointing at the bath?

If the answer is yes participants can refuse then end of discussion. We may not like it, but there’s nothing we can do about it.

If the answer is no participants can’t refuse to be seen in the bath, then something should be done about the breach of rules in this realm.

On a wider point if it is within the rules to insist no camera viewing the bath, what other areas of an apartment are participants allowed to refuse cameras? If they wanted to, could they say, I’m a terrible cook & I don’t want people seeing me cooking, so no cameras in the kitchen? Could they say no cameras in the guest bedroom as my guests don’t want to have sex on cam?

So if bath views need a participants permission what other areas of the house do?

Because next ones want to have their cams in the bedroom only partly showing the bed? :upside_down_face:

Never heard anything so stupid in all my life, you are able to see every view of their actions in every other room so they are not stopping you seeing any of that. Maybe you would like to have a cam in the toilet so you can watch every personal function. Am sure the fact you can’t see the end of the bath it ain’t the end of the world or maybe it is for you :rofl:

Exactly. You open pandoras box with that…

Only if Pandora agree’s :rofl:

We are talking about a cam in the bathtub and not the toilet. A cam every othe place have and shows the whole tub. Seems you are the only one obviously not understanding or not want to understand. :thinking:

Oh i understand only too well that you are all having a hissy fit because you can’t see the end of the bath :rofl: Never heard anything so c___dish in all my life, for gods sake grow up.

As i said maybe you are not able to because of the physical size of the bathroom but it sure ain’t worth all this fuss and stamping of feet surely. Are you that obsessed your view is restricted for gods sake.

Well I have an easy advise for you in that case. Don’t read it and do not make stupid comments about it :wink:

The toilet is a stupid example as it has been discussed, the rules are simple and has been explained, no toilet cam. Do try pick up on the whole concept of this project by reading all the comments. Why should that particular camera be any different to other bathroom cams?

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Let it be. I think he got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. He will calm down again :wink:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Me calm down? having a laugh ain’t you it’s you throwing all your rattles out the pram just because you can’t see very nook and cranny.
Anyway have a nice day Jabs and wish you all the best in your quest :rofl:

Have a good day too. :wink: :+1:

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I honestly don’t get all the fuss. In all apartments there are more or less blind spots and corners. To name just one example, in Mira and Henri’s apartment there is an invisible corner opposite the entrance door at camera 10, hall, into which they both withdrew and whispered when they did not want to be seen.

I have another question. What is or does a Moments operator

Saving the videos you see in archives :wink:

Yeah but I am pretty sure they can’t take baths there…

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: