Sophia, Elon, Claudia

If that nuclear plant goes up they will all be offline.

I m not following outside news…! Can u give me some updates… what’s going on there…? :disappointed_relieved:

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Nothing new to tell yet i don’t think.
Don’t think Putin would attack that nuclear plant really as most in Eastern Ukraine are russians anyway.

So in war they don’t even think about innocent lives…:cry: and we call them leaders…:unamused: like seriously why he wants rule on everyone can’t they leave people so they live peacefully….

We have an extra topic to discuss that.

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Oooops…! Sorry…:sweat_smile:

Good afternoon you fussy bugger :laughing:

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Good afternoon buddy :wink:

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Ah Got it I had to go back and find out where i had used the question mark ? It was i guess really a bit of shorthand for 'If you are interested ’ I really did have An Aunt Gladys ? ( if you are interested) David I can’t believe you and i have wasted so much time over this . Best wishes



Fighting around the plant and then it went off the grid twice and running off of generators that will only last so long. Should they totally lose power they have no way to cool the rods and…yeah we don’t want to see another Chernobyl!!

They changed Bathroom cam view…:confused:

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Now we can’t see the tub anymore… :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh dear, tragedy :rofl:

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Sarcastic mood today ? :wink:

That was entirely my fault and I am sorry. :blush: :hugs:

Today is nearly over, especially for you :rofl:

Did Belinda fuck with anyone other than her boyfriend?

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No never….:sweat_smile:


:star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck: