Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

Can someone please just lock this topic NOW this is just going nowhere.

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Agreed, it really is getting nowhere.

But if you dont get a comment you have to watch 24hr.

Why? Itā€™s still worth talking about even if VHTV puts their foot down. People can put it on mute or ignore it.

No, forever. You have to wait till someone else posts a comment before you can post in that topic again.

Fighting a losing battle i can kick and scream and yell at VHTV but the decision is made they will not change it. They keep saying it.

Damn sorry to say it but thats just not ok.

Ainā€™t it great to jump to conclusions you know nothing about.

Iā€™m not fighting and screaming at anyone. Iā€™m trying to be persuasive and explain why I think the cap is a bad idea. Thatā€™s all really.

Or you can just edit your latest post, which will also bump the topic :wink:

But am i right about the 24hr or not? That is what you where talking about right? :thinking:

Yes, but first I donā€™t care about bumping topics. Thatā€™s not why I wanted to follow Maddyā€™s place. I wanted to really get into following that place and see what it could develop into, but you cap effectively stopped me. Editing the last post is a hassle and it takes away the contemporaneous nature of the posts. Itā€™s starts to blend and become difficult to follow. Basically Iā€™m at the beckon call of other members to be able to carry things forward in an apartment that virtually no one else has an interest in other then to shame. Why are you making it so hard for a member to post content in your forum?

I just want to reiterate that this is not my suggestion someone else did suggest it earlier in the thread. :+1:

Ah, they donā€™t even give you a sub for free. Too bad for then I guess. No way I would do that job for nothing more than a 48 timeline that I still had to pay for. Whatever, off topic.

I have a question on this.

If I read someoneā€™s post then it no longer appears to me as unread.

If the poster then edits their post and adds to it making a further point. Does the edited post then go back to being unread status for me? Because if it doesnā€™t then asking people to just add to their previous post wonā€™t actually alert anyone to there being anything new to read in it.

Iā€™m out here iā€™m sick of this.

not everyone. Dont speak for me please. thank you.

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Someone suggested it earlier that if you reached your cap of 3 posts in the same thread then after 24hrs you can post in that thread again. It is only a suggestion and not a rule.

It does bring the topic back to the top and would be considered unread. Iā€™m pretty sure. Not 100%

Weā€™ll at least you see what I get to put up with around here. I have to defend everything I say and do to the nth degree.