Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

No you GO AWAY it’s people like you who are spamming Jin is a member just like you and members who just keep on and on and on at Jin is no better because all you do i complain and bully and so Jin has every right to defend herself. The cycle goes on and so everyone gets brainwashed into thinking Jin is the spammer but guess what is not Jin who is wrong it’s everyone going and complaining about her. I can see clearly through everyone here and it’s pure digusting the carry on. Pure sicking.

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Cry me a river.

Finally a voice of reason. I cannot thank you enough. Someone else sees what I see. I’m ok to be crushed when I deserve it, but so many times I get crushed no matter what I say. This topic is about whether or not a member should be able to post more then 3 consecutive posts. That’s all, but instead of answering the question why, all of my past baggage get dumped on me like I’m just a horrible person. Like I said, if VHTV really believes that, then they should just ban me and give them what they want, but if they think I have some value here, then they shouldn’t allow this mob to simply attack me for no other reason than just to attack me.

@jabbath1987 why can’t you answer me?

Are you really so stupid, the question has been answered so many times yet your pea brain chooses to ignore it. SPAM. And when did I say I spoke for everyone? Again this is the last straw and i refuse to communicate any further with YOU and you knight in shinning armour. You suck the joy of the forum.

It is all said on that topic now and I won’t engage here anymore. I will move all the off topic stuff later when the discussion is over…

Posting a series of pictures has NEVER been considered spam, never! If Jabbath were an honest person he would tell you himself. He was the king of posting what you are calling spam. Go into CamCaps and look for yourself.

Jin will never give up, I am done trying to have a decent discussion, it is just not worth it. I see they won’t stop slandering you but heaven forbid should someone say something about them !even though it is the truth). If I say anything more it would be to tell them to FUCK OFF but that would get me into trouble. Just like you jabs I am out.

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You call what you are saying to me a decent discussion. This is really incredible the way I get treated by other members in this forum, not only you, but the admin and Jabbath as well. Like I said, I guess all I can hope is that maybe, just maybe other people here see how this site is being operated and managed. You have to be of one mindset and you have to follow the interests of the main characters here or else you get pounded into the ground.

It is not all said. There is no rationale argument being made for such a cap. The only one put forth is that it is SPAM, which you know very well it is not. You’re just running away like you have been for a long time. You pretty much have it all sealed up now. Your perfect world with you in total control of the outside world. It’s arrogance and selfishness the way you behave and have become.

This is the only forum i have ever been on that limits everyone to 3 consecutive posts. I for one would like to know why? It’s just a joke and i really don’t see the logic behind it.

It was explained earlier, you don’t have to like the explanation but it is there

A whole load of crap.

That’s not an explanation, it’s an exclamation. This cap essentially puts a limit on users to properly follow and post about unpopular apartments. The only argument that has really been put forth is that posting 4 posts is SPAM, which it is not and never has been in never 5 years. Just look at the number of reps garnered by Jabbath and Sparkles on CamCaps as proof of that.

It is crap, because it’s not an argument or a rationale. It’s just the powers that be saying it is because we say it is. There is not a rationale explanation as to why a member posting consecutive posts harms the forum. Especially in light of the fact that if a member were so annoyed all they would have to do is set to ignore the offending user.

I haven’t a clue about that other site as I’ve never visited it but just because it happened on there for me it makes no difference, the powers that be (vhtv) have decided it’s going to be this way, whether you think it’s wrong or an agenda against you or that there’s no real reason about it then that is your prerogative the decision has been made to make it 3 consecutive posts

I’m bowing out of this thread now as it’s just going round in circles

Yes, I agree it’s not a rationale explanation, it’s just a statement of power because they can. They changed it to 3 because of the tickets you guys raised against me and now no posts, no tickets. It worked great just like it did with StnCld, the admin of CamCaps. Anything to avoid those tickets, which of course gives the powerful and connected the real power to moderate the forums. It’s easy! interestingly, when StnCld finally stopped caving into this tactic, they got pissed off, and stole his forum and it’s members and hid them in a club and made themselves admins. This forum is basically an extension of that secret club, except now they have a new admin, who is willing to cater to the will of the mob, for the expressed reason of taming those darn tickets. I’m sure I’ll get punished now for saying the truth of the matter, but it’s just another example of how power and control works. I didn’t do anything wrong. All I did was post a vote to change a policy. Sorry if I expect a better answer then just cause we say so.

Don’t disagree but the trouble with feeding trolls is that they just come back for more.

I’ve got a great night time reading tip for you Jin, look up the term “posttraumatic embitterment disorder”!

No need to, I’m perfectly fine. If I have any issues it’s with the lack of a decent argument for why member should be limited to only 3 consecutive posts. Care to offer one without questioning my motives, mental capabilities, or just insulting me?