Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

Actually, that’s not true. If I have something to say that is completely different and unrelated to my 3rd post, I sure as s__t am not going to add it to the last post. It would make no b___dy sense.

The consecutive post limit needs to be increased. If VHTV won’t consider making it unlimited, it should at least be something reasonable. Like 25 or 30. Three is certainly not reasonable.

That’s the way to do it, moderator. Insult half the forum or more in six words.

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Don’t see any insult there?

Tell me if I’ve got this right. You’re saying that at some point, any Tom, Dick or Harry will be able to edit other peoples’ posts, among other things, at will, simply because they reach a certain trust level. That’s just a train wreck waiting to happen. Everyone will act like little angels until they get a high enough trust level, and then all hell will break loose if they don’t like a post or the poster. Why would you invite that kind of trouble.

Most people would never be qualified to be a moderator or pseudo-moderator or whatever. Human behavior is what it is, and most people will never be fair and objective enough to be trusted as a moderator.

If that’s what you mean by self-sustainable forum, I don’t think it’s very good idea, IMO. It would be like putting the fox out to guard the hen house.

So, you think that saying, “Thank God I’m not in America,” is not insulting an entire country and everyone in it?

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No it is not. But you are welcome to discuss that further with me here:

I’ll agree to disagree.

May i advice the wearing of hard hat and ear plugs it helps on this forum many times. :innocent:

I shouldn’t have to when all I did was put a simple idea up for a vote, and for that I once again got insulted and trashed by a mob of people who hate me and will try to crush me any chance they can. In the face of that I tried to explain my rationale for why I think there shouldn’t be a cap. Posting images here is why I subscribed. There is a long tradition of doing this very thing. I planned to add pictures intermixed with commentary in the style that nicsjom did on CamCaps for Misty. I think what he did was brilliant. I picked Maddy for a couple of reasons. One, I knew everyone hated them so it was undisturbed. Two, I wanted to see if there really was more to say about them. Did I get reasonable arguments against what I was saying? No, I got treated like s__t as usual. No matter what it is that I do it’s perceived at bad. I ask for help from the admin and all he ever does is bolsters the people trashing me and my ideas and then the mob cheers in victory with laughter and comradery. But, now look how they finally cover their tracks and after the fact clean up the scraps of Amy left on the floor to prove to themselves that they are fair and unbiased. I don’t mind if the members here don’t like me. I don’t mind if people pose arguments against what I say. But what I find intolerable is the manner in which the admins and the moderator Jabbath treat a paying customer in a biased manner when it’s not warranted. I know I have a bad past, and I have my reasons for the way I am, but I am not trying to ruin the site or anyones fun. If you really believe that VHTV then you should do what the mob wants and ban me and fully close the hole I make in the bubble, that the mob wants to exist in entirely. But if you want to be challenged, questioned, be subject to criticism and insight then leave me be and treat me in a professional manner like any other customer.

I agree completely, I’ve done this and added to posts already made previously and it just seems out of place and time. I didn’t suggest the idea just to post more pictures necessarily, but the idea of following an apartment means posting series of pictures intermixed with a running commentary of what’s happening. Since there are a number of apartments that do not get much attention, this cap seems rather biased against them if someone like myself has a singular interest in one of these apartments. In the case of Maddys place I’m effectively hamstrung. I post 3 and then I have to wait or edit the last post, which looks bad to me and ruins the contemporaneous nature of following an apartment. The other fact of the matter is that VHTV changed to cap from 6 to 3 as a punitive measure. Why would a forum want to do that? I know, to placate the mob and stop those pesky tickets from coming in. What you actually see here in these now removed comments is really just their cheers of victory cause they know that they will never run into the issue in their popular topics.

you manage in camcaps to make everyone dislike you. than this was a new forum,new members and yet in a matter of a month you made again the majority to dislike you. you said hundread of times that you done and you are leaving once for good, yet here you are once again, completely no self respect. you are simply annoying and cant let go of things. === people act naturaly you complain boring=== ===people have sex you complain where is voyrism==== ==== people are older you calling them old==== ====people are younger you calling them c___ds==== ====members are comunicating in private, you are asking to ban private messaging=== ===members will create a club to avoid negativity, you are asking to ban clubs=== ===members will block you,you are asking to ban the blocking future=== and yet you dont see that you have a problem and you need help, question your self in this new forum how long it took you to make people dislike you? how long a person can tolerate this annoying behavior till hit to their limits and start diferent language? but thats what are you seeiking, ATTENTION!!! if you would have put a small effort to act a bit like everyone else, you would be fine. i know all my words means nothing to you and you only get pleasure from every singe coment about you or every single like.but man you need help from a profesional.take a break and go to bother the RLC comunity.

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I could add a few more but you nailed it. A huge victim complex with everybody else to blame. I wish the ignore function worked better here as somehow I still get to see the sad comments on how they are being persecuted.

All I wanted to do was post a stream of pictures in Maddy’s apartment follow it. That’s all I wanted to do and for that I was attacked.

Let’s get back on topic. How does me or anyone else posting more then 3 consecutive posts in a row hurt you when all you have to do to avoid it is ignore that person?

VHTV stated clearly the rule will not be changed. So what is the matter to still discussing about it? :thinking:

Just use the b___dy scroll-wheel :rofl:

You routinely insult other people in this forum. You’re no angel. I try to post intriguing comments that provoke thought. I almost always have a point to make about a certain topic and how I think it should be or could be made better. Instead of people dealing with the things that I actually say, instead they do what you do, ball me up in to one big bad monster and then attack me with hammers devoid of any real thought or argument.

Please get back on topic and tell me how another member posting more then. 3 consecutive topics hurts you?

Because the questions of why still lingers. You tell me Jabbath, who posted more comments then anyone on CamCaps and who routinely posted series of posts, how does a person posting more then 3 consecutive comments, when no one else is around, hurts you or the forum? Please a direct argument or answer.

I can easily go into CamCaps and find numerous times that you consecutively posted more then 3 comments in a row and no not all of them are pictures.

The question remains, how does it hurt you now, but it was never an issue then?

The reason I insult you is you have nothing to add to the forum. You think you are so clever and come out with these so incredible ideas about having more than 3 post. You get rejected and rejected and still you try to say how everyone is wrong and how imperative it is to be able to post more than 3 comments, how everybody’s life would be so much better. The majority have said it is simply spam and they can easily do without having to post more than 3 comments. As for the other points about what is wrong with you, well I simply agree. People DO NOT like you (well maybe one or two), so get used to it. Has it ever occurred to stop being so negative and try and join in the fun we have (you even mentioned that we who have fun are treated preferably. I know you will have some clever comeback on how bad we are being to you (especially me) and you are going to do everything in your small life to get me banned. Guess what I simply do not give a toss. GO AWAY.

Since when did they elect you to speak for everyone here?

Answer the question. How is a person posting more then 3 consecutive comments harming you and the forum? What makesn3 ok and 4 intolerable?

You see @jabbath1987 you can’t answer the question at hand either cause you know it’s not how these forums have ever worked. My ability to follow Maddy’s apartment is hamstrung by a pointless rule that no one here seems to be able to explain how it harms other people, especially when said person can merely put me on ignore and not see the posts. Answer me