Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

CamCaps forum simply does not have the function of making albums. I would have used it when it was there.

The default Discourse count for consecutive posts is set to 3. We had it changed to 6 when forum launched, and it was reverted back to default of 3 recently. I believe the 3 consecutive posts from one user in one thread is more than enough. This is unrelated to what content one users posts. Either 100 images in one post, or someone decided to quote their favorite pages from Ulysses.

The simple answer: just add things to your latest post, if it is the last one in the thread. If you’re not about doing that, the system will help you re-consider after 3rd post in a row.

Now to the poll. We won’t do unlimited consecutive posts at this forum. I highly recommend checking this manual for Polls for future reference. It is an awesome feature which has lots more under the hood: How to Create Polls - faq - Discourse Meta

It’s not just images, it also a running dialog of comments.

Ok then, your forum will be biased against less popular apartments and less popular members. What nicsjom did to follow Misty’s apartment is essentially not allowed. You can’t really do what he did inside of 3 posts. Is it possible, I suppose, but it would be a complete mess to try and follow. I suggest you read that topic to see what I mean. It’s not just about posting multiple images.

@VHTV_James can you please at the very least moderate the nonsense comments and gifs out of this topic?

They have already stated it’s a self-sustainable forum

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Well I do not see many off topic stuff here as the discussion was always about the sense of that topic and about who made it. It is not the the fault of the community when the outcome was not was the starter of the topic expected… :upside_down_face:

I see no particular problem with this topic

Well the last two comments are really off topic so I will move them to make Amy happy :upside_down_face:

I disagree, and moved those two here. There are a lot more posts that can be considered as off-topic in this thread. The initial question of the topic has been answered above. It will be closed automatically when no replies on the topic will be given after 3 days

Okay I just wanted show I am not biased as some people here say… :wink:

And give me nausea from constant moving :rofl:

Maybe it is possible to limit the number of consecutive posts with a time limit, something like 3 posts in a specific time period. That way it stops spam, but also allows for the commentary posts.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Total bulls__t and you know it.

@jabbath1987 my reply is off topic and I don’t mind being teleported to the s__thole I mean gossip section. :crazy_face:

Has been done :joy: :wink:

All I can do at this point is hope that all of the members and future members of this forum see how the site admins and the mob of Amy haters control this forum and treat a paying customer. Basically like s__t!

@jabbath1987 You know what’s really funny, is that you’ll contact me in private to tell me that you agree with me about certain things, but in public you ignore me, make snide comments about me, and laugh at me to save face with your new friends. You used to be a good friend, one that would never act like that to anyone, but not anymore. You changed and not for the better.

. You used to be a good friend.

and i’m sure at some point you used to be sane!!!

See, @VHTV_James people are allowed to say anything that they want. Wonder what would happy if went around calling people insane all over the place. I’ve had my sexuality attacked, I’ve been called a bitch, a moron, a dick. I’ve been told in several ways to shut up. I’ve had a bunch of posts moved when others are not. I have people following me around down thumbing all of comments, and you do nothing, Not only that you makes jokes at my expense, laugh with them, and give them support. Fine, I’m Amy and so I deserve to be treated like s__t here, but in the end you’re running a business and in doing so you should be fair and professional in the way you treat people, especially to your paying customers.

All I did here was try to see if others would prefer to be able to post more then 3 consecutive comments. I offered explanations why I think there shouldn’t be a cap. That’s all I did and then it turned into joke and an Amy beat down.