Should the number of consecutive posts be unlimited?

When I start to spam I give you permission to come shoot me. When I start acting like this forum is the only thing in my life I give you permission to come shoot me.

Hey, why only Jabs can have fun? :rofl:

Won’t shoot anybody. I am strongly against violence and against guns in hands of civilian people :+1:

Stupid nonsense comment that gets the thumbs up from the biased moderator. Gotta love it.

OK Ali I extend the invitation to you as well.

Ok. I can see that this is going to turn into a fucking joke. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nearly went off topic and started quoting the 2nd amendment then realised I am not in USA and so are many more.

@VHTV_James you see how lopsided your forum is against people who aren’t in with in crowd, namely friends of Jabbath and Sparkles. Careful or they will steal your forum too. They are the real admins here.

So you want to do a running commentary on apartments that “none or few” are interested in? What’s the benefit in that?

Personal interest.

Getting attention and annoying people by discussing about things nobody but him even think about :rofl:

Well thank god I am not. Now back to topic…

I have a feeling that there is a kid in the forum that stole mom’s credit card to join VHTV. Never seen someone so insecure and try make this forum all about them. I am out, cya tomorrow.

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Cat See U GIF

And specially the coincidence being in that kind of realm :rofl:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip

Me and my ‘awesome’ typing sk__ls!!! :blush: … :laughing:

@VHTV_James can you please moderate this topic.

That’s why this is a self-sustainable forum now and will be in the future. The bigger the trust level of one user, the more they can do to continue improving forum & help to everybody else. If someone decides to sabotage the forum by maliciously editing the posts, well, we will just reset the changes to the posts affected and the user won’t be able to do that again.

Here is exactly an example of what I mean. If someone did what nicsjom did here, they would be screwed. I think this commentary of Misty’s apartment was one of the best ever.