
Apart from the times she was with Montana and then Verona


Obviously, i meant fucking a different boy.

That’s not what you said but ok


Ok, i admit that my wording isn’t very clear.

I really meant a different boy

They are in contact every day.
I honestly don’t know where you are getting your info from. But they are very much that you have either misunderstood or received the wrong information. What I can say is that everything you see is not always the whole story.


Da gebe ich dir recht mit der Geschichte. Aber wenn du genau hinschaust bei den Video Telefonaten wirst du Gabi dabei sehen. Und das ist echt jeden Tag.


Just because Roza talks to Gabi on the phone, it doesn’t have to mean anything. Like I said, you’re reading too much into everything.
I think it would be good to zoom out a bit and check the situations, so you get a clearer picture of everything.



She also sucked Artem’s dick. But I guess oral sex with a guy doesn’t count

Is there a possibility he got called up to serve the army? :open_mouth:


I can’t help hoping he hasn’t. :cry:


So where is ?? Did he actually leave or is he just on vacation??

The last time he was gone like this gabi and Roza fucked like jack rabbits and he new about it

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Not likely, he’s not Russian.

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Gabi zeit seinen Schwanz.
Wer ist nur am anderen Ende der Leitung der das sehen darf??
Die Auflösung es ist Roza.


Even though Roza and Gabi have not had sex in camera for a few months now it seems she still carries a flame for him. Whenever they’re together she is very affectionate with him touching him and stroking his leg, hiding his pants so he couldn’t leave the and At the end of the conversation pictured above when he showed her is dick she blew him a kiss and ended the video call. Gabi was either _____ or high last night bumping into walls and trying to walk. My opinion things get out of control very quickly with him. We know he always filling all the girls glasses when there is a gathering but we do not wanna repeat of a Sergio situation (may he rest in peace). These young kids need to know the dangers. I hope Edrym comes back and he and Roza move on together and get their relationship back on track. Although on camera she has remained faithful to him I get the feeling Roza and Gabi are growing closer again. I hope I’m wrong because Gabi is trouble. This is my opinion.

Like I said, don’t read too much into everything you see. Everything is not as complicated as some people think. remember which website we are on.

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C’est vrai, Roza a d’ailleurs donnĂ© des indications sur le pays et la ville oĂč elle etait, mais il faut bien avouer que les pays voisins peuvent exploser Ă  tout moment et qu’une ‘petite’ mobilisation ne parait pas impossible mais je prĂ©fĂšre penser qu’il file le parfait amour avec Arina ou avec d’autres.

I have thought of the Arina concept since she hasn’t been seen since Edrym left. Maybe it’s true. But Edrym had many chances with Arina when Roza was away and didn’t take any except for rubbing her pussy one night on the couch. He had some sort of STD or something dipping his dick in a cup of medicine every night. But miraculously the 2nd night Roza was home he and her had great sex

Möchte hier keine GerĂŒchte streuen, Nur das sagen was ich gesehen habe heute Morgen scheint eine Bombe fĂŒr Roza explodiert zu sein. Sie hat seidem Nikki sie Angerufen hat und Roza danach gleich Gabi stĂ€ndige Telefonate. Bei Gina sitzt sie auf der Couch Telefoniert und wĂŒscht dabei ihre TrĂ€nen vom Gesicht. Es geht bei jeden GesprĂ€ch um Edrym den ich konnte mehrmals deutlich seinen Namen den ich hier nicht schreiben darf hören Auch Arina oder Alina ist mehrfach gefallen. Ich weiss auch wo wir uns hier befinden auf welcher Seite. Doch ich glaube das Edrym und Arina oder Alina so richtig hört man es nicht irgendwas gemacht haben und es ist heute FrĂŒh rauskamm.

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