
Roza left?

as I and everyone else can see, she is s___ping on the couch!

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Maybe Gabi is in the wardrobe! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They slept at Derek&Gina s room! Have you a theory or a fantasy about that? :rofl:

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no, no idea. they or one of them are probably moving.

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It appears everything is cleaned and packed up


Was the last cleaning not good enough :wink:

Well they managed to stay barely 4 months in that place…

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That moveing around around all the time would drive me crazy

Yup, pretty good run.


Apparently they’ll do anything for money

Thats just life money talks bulls__t walks its the same in all walks of life


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Edrym the lonely loser!?


He had so many chances with Arina and didn’t take one of them. Roza treats him like s__t and he takes it. He and Arina would make a great couple.

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How do you know, are you an expert in this area or is it again just plucked out of thin air.

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He has followed the last few weeks and draws his conclusions, what is reprehensible about that?

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Yes, it may well be you and him thinking like that, but I think he can answer for himself and doesn’t need help!

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you think what you want and I’ll think what I want, I’m not really interested in your opinion

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