Rachel & Ross

Spoken like a true supporter eh :laughing:

Look at Rachel’s butt, she’s really pretty :heart_eyes:

Oh yes, Pukhlik is a big one :joy: And still awake here.

Just for the fun of it - A tiny gallery of a huge cat :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy:

By the way, the cat is in every pic. Just look twice :laughing:


For the rear (Rachel) , she only needed a penis, preferably black

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I love the last one. "Don’t you worry, mama, I’ll keep you warm.
:laughing: :laughing:


Video record requested :

Rachel and Ross realm75 15:30 - 22:30 Photoshoot all rooms (Bedroom, Bathroom, Livingroom)

Rachel desperately needs human company of either sex, if not for her then for us, preferably female :laughing:

Der Schreihals ist da.

Ja, hab es gerade mitbekommen :rofl: Der hört sich wohl selbst gern. :grin:

Phone call in English talking about her life. See time stamp.


it seems to me that it was for business about video photos and she needs to talk about it with her partner… Ross or her photographer? :rofl: :yum: :upside_down_face:

why is there no more show in the Rachel & Ross apartment?


She needs a friend who will comfort her from her loneliness

Been saying that for a while now :laughing:

Robwin knows what a woman needs…or at least he remembers it :rofl:

You may well be right pal :+1: :laughing:

Did you break up with Ross?
