Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

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THis is not not part of the discussion here. If you want to talk about that open a separate topic.

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Actually if you go on the main site and click become a partcipant or join as a manager they pretty much tell you how everything works so its not a secret.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

A post was merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

People claim to want reality in this site, but honestly if everyone wore clothes all day (like people do) the one site where people were nude would have all the viewers. This is the same as couples, who in real life have monotonous sex that they enjoy but here would be ignored. Apartments where a person isnt in a relationship and isnt getting laid are a whole lot of us watching them watch their phones – which is reality, and unpopular.

I think the incentive structure is probably better than most people give it credit for. I just think that the only real advantage this place has would be getting to know the participants, which is achievable on some level strictly through tech so we can understand whats going on. At its heart VH is really just a web hosting company-- after all they outsource talent and logistics to their managers.

A lot of people make their comments who have been with VHTV from conception or have been here a few years and have seen and experienced what Voyeurism is.

What many of us are experiencing now is not; why would anyone pay a monthly/yearly subscription to watch people sit on a phone or watch TV?

Again, it is not all about watching people getting fucked, but I also personally do not know anyone who sits in their house naked all day and look at a mobile phone; that is not a common thing for me.

Tenants want the money but are not putting in any effort anymore, reading the forum and then trying to give us a reality show from feedback ain’t it.

That might be the case for some apartments, now, let’s be honest, pussy to cam is done here since long time (Flora and Medea have schools for it ).

The inactivity is now general, there are apartments which are not even interacting much or at all. I assume that something else is happening as well. It feels like the managers or tenants are not taking any risks for parties and guests (a_____l always plays a role) which potentially leads to fines . It feels like there is a waiting time now to see which apartments survive without taking risks and doing the minimum possible

i still feel like something has change.
i remember a year ago an apartment was discusing that their statistic is low and they need to make some events.

now i’m thinking if this is the source of my income the main and only source,the one that brings food to the table pays the bill provide a roof.
would i just sit in my phone? play all day games? i’m not listening a lot the apartments to be honest but i have not heard any serious conversation about statistic or strygle.

what i’m trying to say is that to me seems that they dont care about vhtv.
when it was the last you heard an apartment left cause they could not survive?

when it was the last great party you saw? (i mean that obiously was for to increase revenue)

i personaly believe there is something happen and we see all this inactivity.

Few days ago

I did and from places that i never expected, quite popular ones

I think that nobody is willing to take risks anymore and have big fines issued, so they just resume to bare minimum for survival

I do not think so. AFAIK not many fines got issued in the last months.

well this is beyond my logical thinking.
if i do the bare minimum for survival.than why dont i get a normal work(that also would help me with experience/open new doors?
for example Sylver nd Bradley they are in Europe but none of them is working normaly. so that to me says the project is more beneficial than an avarage European income.
idont know mate, just finding it hard to believe it.maybe i’m missing something very obvious.

by the way witch place was that left due to not being able to survive?
and when it was the last party fine droped?

The re opening of Artem & Tristans realm is a good place to start.

A camera in the Bathroom is held in place by tape
A door is missing in the kitchen
The Bath is missing a panel

If VHTV and the Manager along with the participants want to have good viewing figures then providing a well designed and clean and tidy apartment with no defects will gain more viewers than a run down apartment.

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I think we have talked enough for the problems. Anyone can suggest something?

we can complain till we are blue in the face , but as long as the site is fnancially viable ,not much is going to change .its only when income drops that owners feel a need to improve services same with all online sites , customer satisfaction is a myth

What amazes me is that vhtv gives no answer…

100% agree with that.customer satisfaction is the biggest lie ever.
usually when income drop than game is over.
a good competition is always pushing things ahead.

hope you get the meaning behind this !!! :rofl:
200w (1)

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I don’t know English (I have to transcribe everything I see in the video)…

in that case guess the humour will be lost on you . no worries