Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

well if i was them i would try few things.

  1. find more active managers (dont think is that hard)

  2. put managers to scout for talents. expand throuw some countries in Europe (Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania/Romania/Moldova etc) create advertisment (in spesific web places) and explain the project and the potentials, small steps at a time.dont just thow pornstar in the first sentence :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

  3. motivate the tenants for the archive. take some % of funds alocate them for the archives, depending on the views each month managers and tenants get some extra money. with this you manage more motivation for better scenes at archives and more thoughtfull request for deleting videos.

  4. maybe introduce the weekly ban the apartment with the worse rating is offline for a week ( i know that this is very radic sugestion, but it has some potential that can be explored adapted to the situation)

  5. for fuck sake it is years late that cams needs upgrade,we are in 2024 !!!

  6. food and bavarege being sponsored for big occations.

i’m sure one who is finansialy involved with the project can find many more ways for improvment that can be done, and if they canot than maybe… :wink: :wink:


guess its hard to enf___e when everything is done digitally , i doubt owners have ever met any of the participants/managers face to face ,

ho trascritto il discorso… :wink:

oh come on they dont run a silk road in onion. they can have one person to manage the managers, worse case scenario there is teams/zoom etc.i there is willingess its very easily achiavable.

prob be better if it was. :joy:, but personally going by the improvements to this website since its conception . i dont hold out for anything better anytime soon , its a case of take it or leave it attitude ,

yeah i agree,their attidue is very straight forwoard.
i do not expect anything to change.all this is just for conversation between members :grin:

by the way where the hell is the @VHTV_CEO i have not seen him very long time.just a bit worried if he is alright and if he still active with the project :slight_smile:

its showing hes still active recently as today

Exactly, I’ve never known VHTV to care about what their customers have to say. So I don’t have expectations from them, that is IMO.

But I am not being held hostage. That is why I don’t pay for a yearly sub.

I can step back and return in a few months or maybe never.

I like RLC now; you’ll find me over there going forward; oh wait, they don’t have a forum that I know of :grinning:

If enough people stopped subbing, VHTV would swiftly act and make the necessary changes.

For all I know, they could be doing work behind the scenes, but I will not continue subbing to find out. It shouldn’t be @jabbath1987 role to engage with VHTVS customers to find out how they are feeling. Unless you’ve been promoted and are on their payroll, and I missed that <-------- this is by no means shade to you!

What do you mean by “better scenes”? what this site doesn’t need is more scripted porn

Nothing staged. I meant more of not something in front of the camera. More awareness of a curtain is blocking the camera or some other thing is right in the middle. People just forgetting and standing right up in the cams.

One more thing crossed my mind is that since so many people are interested about understanding what people talk about is a system with the coins.

A member can put a request in a form that he wants something to be translated ( timeline provided) and by certain amount of coins a designated person can send a rough translation.
Something like this. Cause a live translation is extremely difficult. (Not to mention the awful sound that makes it nightmare to understand what they talk)

I do not think translation is the problem why no more things happening on the site lately. When there is nothing interesting happening there is also nothing interesting to translate…

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Yes, this is a point I have already raised. If the fines are prohibitive then all apartments will do is take the safest course, or as that infamous troll Amy used to say, ‘become vanilla’. The business model needs to be looked at. Not saying it is wrong just that its constraints need to be reviewed.
Also I had a look at RLC cams. They do seem superior. They also have motion detectors.
To be fair to VH they are going through what is possibly an existential time what with current geo political constraints.
The key is to bring the managers on board and I have already described a possible solution.

They had plenty of time by now to adapt to that. And I also wrote many years before that it is a big mistake to only concentrate on certain countries with apartments. It fell on deaf ears.
So this is a very lame excuse.

Most of them are lazy and only do the bare minimum… They did not even manage to rename realm14 by now.

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Ich sehe leider nicht das sich der Seitenbetreiber dafür interessiert,sonst hätten VHTV einmal geantwortet.

Point I was making is that young adult males are becoming an endangered species because of conscription. This could worsen.

Amy didn’t lie about a lot of things! Amy saw this coming long before it got here. Yea, Amy was a bit annoying and overly passionate, but he/she did lay down a lot of gems.

Advertising could be problematic for an activity that is not permitted. As I have always maintained it is almost a secret society in locations where the action takes place.

Do you think the porn studios advertise “we are looking a porn star with big boobs? 18 yr old?)

No they advertise they need a models . And in the interviews they bring up things.

So you can advertise that a new interesting project is going on that provides work from home fully independent with potentials of traveling and developing you creative side.

Shall I explain everything?