Purgatorium 💩

Certainly not without reason. :man_facepalming:

Here is one that is both a former guest/participant and using a manager account ie. Sunny. This is only an example of them posting in other forum topics without being tagged and/or invited. Like I said in my posts before spam by anyone is not appropriate.

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I never said it was spam. It is not spam. I said this:

I think you are reading my comment incorrectly. I highlighted the word only to show that my comment was only pertaining to the part of John78’s comment about a guest/participant/manager account posting in another forum topic that they are not related to and have not been tagged and/or mentioned in.

I then went on to clarify that it is inappropriate to post spam by anyone. This sentence was not pertaining to Studio89’s happy birthday post or referring to their post as spam.

He replied to John why u show up……:sweat_smile::joy:

dont be shy @1313_Mockingbird_Ln

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But u trio show up one after another like a tail…. John u & Mohrchi…. Go and see at Lyla, yan , and other topics….:sweat_smile::joy::joy: it’s bit a strange and funny too….!:sweat_smile:

It is more than clear to me that you have no clue what Kay been posted in D&K Topic. Simply AGAIN in the most pure StillSeth style you just mock my post. KAY posted in D&K Topic BigJoks post with them 3 pics of the girls from them Realm. You can see in D&K topic that Jabs moved his posts back into this Topic and later on Kay deleted them. But why to bother asking first what happened, when you love trolling me??

i would think thats the managers job not the participants

So for you it’t ok that participants are using both Studio account and personal account(which by the way doesn’t have the normal VHTV Participant Badge) to advert themselfs in other Realms Topics?

where did i say that?

Most of the managers of theses places are thousands of kms away of the places. And here by circunstance is even worse
By that logic Medea shouldn’t ever use the glue gun to fix cams :grin:

Is that why Medea disappeared from the list? :open_mouth: :joy: :joy:

You basically aproved every single post of NotSeth, which to me means that you approve that participants can advert themselfs in other topics


I am not trolling you. There were two parts to your comment/question. One was about spam and the second was about it not being appropriate/professional for guest/participant/manager accounts to post in forum topics unrelated to their own. Spam and it being appropriate for guest/participant/managers to post in other topics are not mutually exclusive

Will you guys stop advertising Medea on this thread please she has nothing to do with here, the forum police is watching you :eyes: :man_police_officer: :rofl: :rofl:

i dont give a s__t

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well the cat a___er does something useful then

Ok, i see now, you splitted my post in two parts. Not the case as i was purely refering to what Kay did, and not generally speaking like your example with a Birthday wish that is perfectly fine.