Purgatorium 💩

Why do you close this one?

No, seems not

You can set slow mode. That’s all.

Just testing to see if there was an approve post function/

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I made @letsdothis an honorary Scot years ago​:blush:, a good, decent, helpful guy whom I am proud to call a friend.:+1:

It’s really the invasion of the Scots here :joy::joy:

Thanks, buddy. You guys are gonna make me blush. :+1: :+1: :smiley: :smiley:

Where’s JB when you need him eh, probably operating his moments somewhere.:joy:

Nah am aywys lurkin sumwhar, jist seein whit yer jibberin aboot noo.

Ah ken a slaver a lot aw s__te but yiv gote tae admit am guid at it😂

Aye yir richt aboot bein gid at slaverin pish, mind so’s yir pal wi his scrumpy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dang it’s a party in here today. :partying_face: :tada: :mirror_ball:

Night Out Dancing GIF by Cameo

This sentence breaks my brain… :brain: :confounded:

And his tractor and his combine harvester😂

“Aye, you’re right about being good at slavering pish. Mind [you], so is your pal (referring to Robwin) with his scrumpy (a fermented apple cider _____ from his part of England).”

Slaver; talk stupidly
Pish; Translation: Urine. However, in Glasgow and other parts of Scotland, it’s a common word for something that evokes a negative vibe. For instance, if the score at the football isn’t going your way, ‘it’s a load of pish’.

@Just_In, please correct me if I’m wrong about any of this. Thanks.

Yep it’s right, maybe it’s about time you go work for Google translate. :grin:

Morocco has abanded its neutrality in the Ukrainian war and now aligns itself with the US.

Tunisia remains open to Russian tourists, and Egypt is the same. The plain facts are that Russians cannot get there due to restricted airspace and economic sanctions crippling Russian airlines.

I think those countries still have direct flights with Russia. They can bypass airspace restrictions by flying over Turkey which has not banned Russian airlines.

This is offtopic so it’s the last thing I will say on this as the plains aren’t flying for ordinary Russians as they cannot service the airlines as the parts for this come under the sanctions and are unavailable.