Purgatorium 💩

I will dump these though as you are right they are banter between ourselves and have nothing to do with here. Have a good day.

Pago todo los meses y digo lo que quiero. Me gusta ver Nira comiendole el coño a Kira te m____ta?

exacto que cada uno haga lo que quiera y comente lo que quiera pero no se debe tolerar insultos. Sigo diciendo en Nina y Kira falto sexo los ultimos meses

De verdad que no entiendo vuestra postura, si no os interesa lo que escribo no lo leais, hay muchos que como yo echaron de menos el sexo.

On a different topic, does this guy’s bio remind you of anyone ?

Henry’s inspiration lol

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Huh I wonder why only your post got moved here. :thinking:

Stop stirring Seth as you seem to making a habit of that recently and it was put in here as it was a rant and nothing to do with what was being spoken about.

If you want to rant over people then do it in the right place make a separate post, but don’t jump into the conversation dictating to others what they should do…!!! It’s certainly not the first time you have done this…

Jim Carrey Movie GIF

You were instructing us what to do when there was no need, @letsdothis @jabbath1987 and myself were having a conversation without animosity over a misunderstanding which was cleared up. I have many private conversations with letdothis and he is a really cool and great guy as are you.

Nina & Kira’s personal life being lesbian parents in Russia is precarious to say the least, so if I can stop some fool posting personal links about their mainstream life in Russia, then I am not going to apologize for doing so.

Thank you kindly. Much appreciate the kind words.

No, because if others see that the links will be removed then the warning is there.

I have no beef with you whatsoever Jock, in fact quite the opposite, you are quite funny for a Scottish guy. :laughing:

Just try and understand what it is about pal and not just jump in with both feet and clubber us. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :hugs:

post deleted

We leave all the topics open so people can keep discussing. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to do. :wink:

I agree, and for the most part it is, but one fool decided to post links to their private life and for the reasons above I removed the post, and I am sure that you would do nothing but the same. :slight_smile:

Talking about that fool I would even call troll. If I were VHTV I would have already sent him on an extended forums vacation :stuck_out_tongue:

He certainly deserves it… Got me thinking, maybe with that Nina & Kira part of the forum it can be closed for the time being and approved posts only? Is there such a function?