Purgatorium šŸ’©

Well the catholics are not known for being the best adress dealing with c___drenā€¦

Can you write that in English next time :joy::joy::joy:

Better now? :stuck_out_tongue:

This is the city mission. The mayor of the city, the Protestant parish, the Catholic parish, the SOS C___drenā€™s Village and the members of the city council are all involved. The Catholic city priest is beyond any doubt. He has not only been responsible for collecting donations for the Ukrainian c___drenā€™s home for years. He has never been in debt and looks after orphanages and old peopleā€™s homes with some community members.

You tell the Englander to do one and write it in German :rofl: :rofl:

Nine/nein jawole?

Well thatā€™s good job then, he will not have any motivation to sell them then. :roll_eyes:

All good. I just have some problems in general with early indoctrination of religion to c___dren as they mostly canā€™t decide if they want that or not.

Sorry it was bad humour and I am sure he is a good guy, itā€™s just a shame that some of these priests are not so good as him, in fact, are damn well evil as far their ā€˜interactionsā€™ with c___dren are concerned. :cry:

I donā€™t think you know what the Catholic Churches history is. They were full of corrupt priests through all levels and their boundaries around c___d m____tation was despicable at best. They covered up the evidence and in a lot of cases , promoting the offending pedophiles. That priest maybe a good one, but the church has history and it beggars belief that they are still in control of c___dren orphanages.

@jabbath1987 can we move these or make a new post for them as they really arenā€™t suitable for this thread. Says him for stupidly starting it. :roll_eyes:

The c___dren live in families and care is taken to ensure that the families themselves have c___dren of about the same age. Almost 600 families answered the call for places for c___dren and adults, many more than were needed. So you still have reserves if more refugees follow.

If I had known where this thread was going I wouldnā€™t have written anything about the Ukrainian c___dren. I say goodbye to the forum.

Yeah, it did go off topic.

When we go back on topic now all will be good :wink:

I thought that after all the horror news of the last few days, good, positive news would do everyone good. I was wrong.

All good now. You did nothing wrong

I sent you a message, take a look :slight_smile:

I actually canā€™t believe what Iā€™ve just read, some people donā€™t realise whatā€™s going on there. :rage: It makes me wonder If theyā€™re old enough to be on here :thinking:

I will not tell you all word for word as to the conversation that I just had with this guy, but I feel physically sick.

I went say sorry for a bad joke that went wrong and then he starts laying into me saying that he and his church collect homeless c___dren from all over the EU.

I simple replied that if you are such a moral upstanding religious man then what are you doing on this site and told him not to forget to lie in his next confessionā€¦

I hate the hypocrisy of the church and how dare he take that morol stand with me when he has his knob in his hand as he is writing.

Sickening, just sickening and makes me wonder why now he was so quick in his defense, on the other hand I hope I am so wrong with my thinking as I do feel disgusted and quite ill now. :face_v___ting: :face_v___ting: