Purgatorium đŸ’©

Really??!! How d______eful!!! :laughing:

You are right though
some people do :innocent:

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Please, just no selfies. I beg you! :joy:

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Please don’t talk about politics :grinning:

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Spoilsport! :laughing:

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Poor CamCaps huh @jabbath1987 ? Stncld stopped being your little bitch and so you took your ball home ain’t that right?

Pitiful @jabbath1987 I told you this is what you’d become. I told you this is what he’d turn you into. Claws are in you so deep you can’t even see them anymore.

Tired Dance GIF by US National Archives

Yeah am used to it now some rules seem to apply more to some than others but hey ho if it makes them happy eh :rofl: Where it got moved to fuck knows and don’t really care tbh.

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welcome back amy we new you would return glad to see you are now premium enjoy the extra perks of premium

Oh but don’t say that Rob. It’s not true. They are super fair. BS!

I fully planned to come back for the purpose of posting pics and that was all I was going to do. I wasn’t going to say anything, just post pics. But NO! Almost immediately I started getting s__t on be people here for even just doing that. This forum is pitiful.

And apparently I’m not allowed to enjoy what I subbed to fucking enjoy. Lovely!

Wait Jin is Amy3?

Good morning to you too, sir! :grin:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Don’t for fuck sake start another round of b___dy moans,groans and rumours we get enouth of the pregancy bug :rofl:

Watch! Out of all of these latest comments yours will be the one that gets moved.

Wouldn’t be surprised :rofl:

But i loved Amy3 was sad that she went away. I loved her comments.

To be fair almost all of the comments over the last day should be moderated in this topic. I mean if they were actually fair. But they aren’t. People can say anything they want as long as it’s against me. All the insulting comments stay! Jabbs and vhtv aren’t fair when it comes to moving out off topic comments. It’s just true and it’s provable.

Jin are you really Amy3. Why did you leave?

Yeah well it was an Amy,Jabs & Sparkles upset from long ago starting on CC and it ain’t stopped since. Shame as Amy made a lot of sense, sometimes lol, but did tend to go on a bit but then many do now but they ain’t got the bad b___d history so all ok there.