Purgatorium 💩

The whole temp banning people is stupid. People don’t change. VHTV caters way too much to people who demand a pristine forum to talk about a sex site. If they were serious about it, they would hire their own content moderators to do the moderating instead of the moment operators and popular posters, who reach some meaningless trust level. Those people are biased as fuck and all they do is moderate out people they personally don’t like. That’s what happens. VHTV needs a fair minded, brand driven, official moderator, who everyone and I mean everyone, including Jabbath, has to deal with.

you have issues I have never interacted with you yet you always face palm my posts for no reason you weirdo @1313_Mockingbird_Ln

@VHTV_James How about this idea. Instead of the operator moderators sending the posts they don’t like to the s__thole based on their personal preference. How about you do this instead. Only allow them to send posts here if “The Community” has flagged the post to the point it has been hidden. I suspect that there are a few people who are actually annoyed by these posts getting moved, and for the most part it’s just the leaders with a sticks up their butts using their power to punish people at their own whim.

Welcome back from your forum ban!

Did you have a good vacation? :partying_face:

He saved the world by moving this post. Whew! Someone could have gotten seriously hurt of this one. Our savior! YES!!!

As we like coincidences on here, I’ve noticed this today due to the recent moving of posts, during the entire “vacation” week there was 50 posts added to this topic, in 4 days since the end of vacation week 212 posts have been added to this topic

If you want to be fair till the end, you might also check to see who’s posts been moved here the most. Maybe you are talking about a different vacation, longer than a week??? I give you a hint:

Actually @Amy came back on the forum not long after you started your silent retreat

Just to point out as well your not far behind with your 114 posts in this topic

Yep! I very proudly was banned for like 3 weeks or something like that. I don’t give a flying fuck. That asshole deserved it and it was worth it. Seems the only reason VHTV does anything anymore it’s to ban people. Whoppie!!!


Someone with a name that starts with J and ends with 8 just got

Crypto Meme GIF by Crypto GIFs & Memes ::: Crypto Marketing

Yes, but most are from the famous day :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy:

Kyla-La came back 2 days before me…

In a way getting posts moved her by the tyrants is kind of a special honor. I would love to see the view rate this topic gets. My guess is that it’s one of the most popular, if not, the most popular topics on the forum. If voyeurs are one thing, they are curious as fuck! And the temptation to see what’s been flagged for removal to the s__thole must be seen.

It’s Kyla-La!

Ok, I’ll explain my name. At the beginning of this song it sound like he’s saying Kyla-La…… and so there you have it.

Kyla, la la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la

Breathe in, breathe out, my love
'Cause you’re not immortal here
There’s a witch on the loose in my calm
And I try to tie her down

If you hurt me again, I swear
I’ll find hell and I’ll take you there

Kyla, la la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la, La, la la la la la, La la la la la
La la la la la

Breathe in, breathe out, my love
Cause you’re not immortal here
Hear the horrible sounds inside of me
It’s the sound of the tempers cabaret
There’s a witch on the loose in my calm
And I try to tie her down

If you hurt me again, I swear
I’ll find hell and I’ll take you there

Kyla, la la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la, La, la la la la la, La la la la la, La la la la la

1 Like

Aaron Paul What GIF by Breaking Bad

2 days? Kyla-la ban finished on the 1st and pretty sure you came back on the 5th?

school of rock math GIF


Can you explain when your name was Pixel?

Pixel, I didn’t have one called Pixel.

I think this is all of them that I had on CamCaps. selenagomez, vendemere, marble, krikirk, k__ltime, sparkle, 3 red dots, LongLegs, AmyAmyAmy, Rax, oh and Pink Heels. I created the Sparkle one just to fuck with Sparkles. StnCld saw that one almost immediately and k__led it. :joy:

Krikirk was the one that used to infiltrate the little bitch club. I fucked up one day and posted a comment and I’m sure Sparkles, who was the leader of little bitch club spotted it and caught me and I got bounced. No bother I had other ways into the little bitch club. That’s how I caught Squish asking a Moos54 to use his moderator powers to spot my accounts for the bitch clubbers. I had. Lot of fun with a lot of these accounts. Three dots was the first one that I created. Took people a while to catch me with that one. The dead giveaway is always the writing style. It’s very hard to write in a style that is different then one’s own and I cannot bring myself to write poorly. Ah, the stories I could tell. :grin: