Purgatorium đŸ’©

Why was it out of context? You want certain people to adhere to standards you are not achieving yourself

Welkom terug @Jan78

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Cheers buddy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart:


Perhaps your opinions would carry more weight if you were actually a subscriber?

How do you know he is not a subscriber?

Perfect example, of the moderator bias in this forum. Jabbath doesn’t care for them and he insults them too; therefore, the insults stay. There are others that are the same. This forum is his personal playground. You have to be of his mindset to be welcome here or you’re a risk of censorship.

bla bla bla bla bla bla
 toujours la mĂȘme rengaine

To many cams lately seem to not be loading, report them and magically they seem to work then :laughing:

It’s an epidemic and they look absolutely horrible.

Shocker! They are doing the exact same thing again. Zzzzzzzzzz Boring!

Even more shocking! you’re doing the same thing as well. Zzzzzzzzzzz Boring!

It’s super easy to kick dead horses around here and I guess for me, it’s kind of fun to take a break to kick it. VHTV is a cam hustle business. For sure they all are, but, there has to be a certain level of genuineness to it. For these people, it’s all silly, super faked, in your face cams shows followed by sitting around staring a phones until the next showtime. They really should just a have a show schedule and turn off the cams in between, because what happens in between is nothing. They have no real personality outside of their show faces. I check in just to see how bad they can get.

@VHTV_James Can you explain to me why it is that I am not allowed to discuss my views about this apartment? Is Jabbath the arbiter here who can decide on his own what is allowed to be discussed? I understand that my criticism is harsh and direct, but it’s seems relevant to the the apartment and permissible. There are a lot of off-topic comments that made all over the place that are allowed to stay in place. Why is Jabbath permitted to target me personally and censor me for no other reason than he hates me? Must everyone have the same mindset as Jabbath and the rest of your moderators to be welcome to speak here?

To be fair Jabbs they were sitting about doing what they usually do :man_shrugging:

FlĂŒchtende Maus

This user is ridiculing participants and people here for days now since he came back from his ban. He didn’t learn a thing during this period. He even admitted in one of his post his only goal is stirring the s__t here. So he has no right to complain here. He is known for only bringing trouble for years and the vast majority here is no longer tolerating his s__t.

These are my last and final words on that.

I agree with you but they are not the only one guilty of doing it

Will believe that when i dont see it :laughing:

Tired Pbs Nature GIF by Nature on PBS

How many people post this but nothing is done, I would categorize this as worse :thinking:

Suppose it depends on the context of whatever was/is being said.
On it’s own it seems rather harmless.