Purgatorium đŸ’©

Did not see any on topic posts. When you guys finally stopped with all that s__t and deliberately provoking @John78 there would be nothing for me to move her. You as always are one of the worst s__t stirrers. So stop complaining when you are part of the problem. :stop_sign:

All the comments regarding Lyla’s _____ing behavior were very much on topic. They were about Lyla and in the Lyla & Wayna topic. How can you say those posts were not on topic? Just because a comment maybe controversial or you do not agree with it does not mean it is not mean it is off topic.

You can argue about that. Starting with two stupid gifs which were clearly aimed at provoking people again. Discussion over. Fed up with that s__t :stuck_out_tongue: :poop:

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Thanks, but I wasn’t asking for your opinion.

I thought they were funny. They were not serious. If people got upset that is more on them. This forum is not for posting only things that everyone agrees with. It his pretty obvious we are not going to agree on this matter. So that is why I will again ask @VHTV_James what their view is on moving on topic posts that maybe considered controversial to the :poop:-hole

This is a public forum so by default anything you post is asking for anyone’s opinion my guy.

If you don’t want other people’s opinions send your comments in a PM. :wink:

qu’importe puisque de toutes façons, les gens liront des merdes peu importe dans quel sujet oĂč elles se trouvent :wink:

Your unsolicited opinions, in most cases, aim to smear, insult, or make fun of someone. Otherwise, the rest of your posts usually serve to “support” your buddies, who tick just like you.

VHTV should send you where they sent Torey. You would be in good hands there. :man_facepalming:

Although I do not agree with your opinion, I find a lot of what you are saying to be either embellished or totally false. However, you are more than entitled to have and express those views. That is the beauty of having a free, open and public forum.

I think you would be surprised by the number of people that enjoy my comments.

Maybe Jabbs ran out of beer. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for caring but I have plenty of beer here :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is Torey, what did I miss?

Rupauls Drag Race Gossip GIF

I guess he doesn’t haven anything better to do? I think it’s really more of a show of power from the Priest. A reminder that he rules this place and you are HIS guest. The forum was better during the time that VHTV stopped the moderators from moving posts to Jabbath’s s__thole. It’s stupid because there is a ton of other off-topic comments that don’t get moved. The ones that do are because of personal beefs. Like i posted above. Sparkles called tenants r____ts and he didn’t flinch. But, if you dare say something that he personally doesn’t like or hell, if he just doesn’t like your ass, you’re fucked. VHTV needs the operators and forums workers doing their jobs for peanuts cause they don’t want to pay professionals to do the job. In exchange they get to run the forum like it was their own personal playground.

The rule of thumb is very simple. Be friends with Jabbath, acknowledge his awesomeness, like what he likes, laugh at his stupid jokes, or else! This applies to everyone, primarily the tenants and especially the managers.

BTW, just about every time I check the live site, like 95% of the apartments seem empty. Is it just cause of my time zone or is it like this all of the time? Just seems dreadfully boring. And my goodness there are a whole lot of very unattractive people on the site. They are overweight, riddled with ugly as hell tattoos, or just plain not very good looking. Where’s are the girls that can match the beauty of Violet?

I just want to clarify something about my post about Lyla about being wild I wasn’t talking about her _____ing and fighting I don’t like it when she does that it make me nervous :cry: I was talking about her dancing and other stuff minus the _____ing and fighting I should’ve made it clear my apologies I just want to let everybody know what I was talking about :smile:

Maybe he hasn’t had his leg over for a while, frustration is a bugger really :laughing:

If this is the standard people have to adhere to then there would hardly be any posts at all on this forum
The Yan & Evelyn topic for example would be practically empty of posts if you removed the insults

Will Ferrell Entrance GIF by E!

If you mean the criticism in the mentioned thread that I and many others practice on Yan and Evelyn, you’re certainly right.

But of course you took my text to NotSeth out of context to use against me. This is often and very happily done in this forum and confirms my text, which then follows at the point you quoted.
