Purgatorium đŸ’©

mois elle me fait pitié.Ivrogne à son ùge, cela ne présage rien de bon dans 20 ans.

It’s not even boding well for her now. The last time she got “wild” Wayne and her both ended up with black eyes. No, I am not saying they fought each other but her actions did lead to the altercations that occurred. :cry:

on appelle cela : le vin mauvais !

Oh, silly me I thought it was called a_____lism.

I was told there are no a_____lics in Russia. :man_shrugging:

Oh, so you are believing all the things that come out of Russia now, are you? :face_with_monocle: :astonished: :sweat_smile:

erreur, tu as mal compris : en Russie, il n’y a pas de mecs sobres ! :rofl:

Well Putin said it you have to believe it. :joy: :rofl:

Tellement vrai, tellement vrai. :rofl:

John78 has been silenced for a week but he still can’t help himself from being a peeping tom on the Lyla & Wayne topic. He’s defiantly NOT unhealthy obsessed with Lyla

@VHTV_James I’m not sure if your “silencing” experiment is working. Maybe you will need to extend the experiment for a while longer than originally planned. :wink:

I see your back to your favourite pastime

Here We Go Illustration GIF by Susanne Lamb

Did I say anything that wasn’t the truth?

@John78 He’s on vacation in Miami, and going to deal with anyone on Vacation ??? :thinking: , he’ll be back tomorrow anyway. Also hey what happened to Torey :thinking: :laughing: Or is he in the cemetery ? ( metaphorically ) :laughing: :wink:

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What happened to Torey is related to what happened to John78. :frowning_face: :cry:

no, it’s not just about john, you don’t see that but Torey was starting to attack a lot of people, Jab and I don’t want to name some names (in case it could be misunderstood)

but he was starting to get aggressive. He even told me, “I’m going to wage war against these script idiots”. I didn’t do anything to him about support - That’s why he was banned for being offensive. I warned him but he didn’t listen.

He never said that, he said it was related which it is

What’s Jab got to do with it?

He wasn’t the only one

Seems I have to move a lot of off topic :poop: again. You guys really have nothing better to do?

'Cause some people are bored, and everybody’s waving at each other :laughing: :laughing: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

@jabbath1987 you really think about after John comes back, i wonder how many posts you will post here :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

make god easy for you :laughing:

@VHTV_James jabba is moving on topic posts to the :poop:-hole again just because he does not like them. Yes, some of the comments he moved to the :poop:-hole should have been moved here. However, at least 6 of the comments that were moved here were on topic, related to the Lyla & Wayne topic and should not have been moved.

This is not acceptable behavior for someone given Tier 4 Trust Level powers.