Purgatorium 💩

I think @Jabbath1987 will have to open a new hole soon. This is getting full…

:poop: :poop: :poop: :poop: :poop:

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hole searching GIF by Tacoma FD

U r right he need to open hole…:joy:

Wife chopped her finger :pensive:

Ouch :open_mouth: :cry: :cry:

They cleaned, checked the nerves and stitched. It’ll be OK, it’s just a moment of inattention and an accident happens :slightly_smiling_face:

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Been there done that, I’m accident prone I could write a book about all the injuries I’ve had :man_facepalming:

Don’t talk to me, I’m disab__d with a broken back/spine :rofl:

I almost own my personal room in ER :rofl:

@Handsdown @BigJock21 get back on topic right now! :angry: :point_down: :point_down:

Did I do a pretty good impression of a moderator that is not actually a moderator but has almost all the powers of a moderator? :pleading_face:

My apologies, really went completely offtopic.

since “he” said this “hes” been chatting away on the lyla topic :joy:

It’s interesting that you can speak about a translation of a Polish word in Amelia & Lucas thread for days but that’s on topic :thinking: 25 posts in all

The hypocrisy is off the charts this guy has no shame

What exactly have i said wrong in there ???

you had a go at @NotSeth for getting involved into a conversation because you didnt ask for his opinion and was not mentioned and now you are doing exactly same getting involved in another conversation you were not mentioned in.

And you did exactly the same all day, is it? We are all hypocrites, it’s fine now?? Kisses

nice try but no because i didnt have a go at anyone for getting involved in a conversation they were not mentioned in then 5 mins later go and do exactly the same thing

Ohh then you are only an a___er and a troll ? That’s also fine. Kisses

show where i a___ed anyone today because i can show a___e you have said?

You did exactly what i did, now, you don’t want me to believe that you not the sharpest tool in the shed to not understand something as simple as that, or do you?

Now Again,

if i did then show me the evidence that i a___ed anyone today then? come on… you cant accuse someone then not back it up