Purgatorium đŸ’©

What are you on about :thinking:

You see it works like this


You just posted exactly what i do as well. In your neutral opinion that kind of posts are targeting and provoking Toreyk. Or is that valid just in my case?

Confused Gary Coleman GIF

I haven’t tagged you in any conversation moved to the :poop:. This exchange of comments happened here in the first place, and even more i have tagged you in a completely different comment with a completely different subject that the one you targeted quoted me from. This is where i have tagged you in and on that particular subject

Can you show me where i have asked for your opinion on the completely different subject you targeted and trolled me again?

If you have been quoted me on this subject and answered to it, your entirely comment was valid, but you haven’t bub. You did what you best, TROLLING ME all over the place when you find the moment

You never asked for my opinion. However I am still entitled to give my opinion on things just as much as you are. This is a free open forum. Stop trying to control what people are saying that you don’t like. Just because you don’t like someone’s opinion it does not make them a troll. You are not the victim here so maybe for once stop trying to act like one.

Again for I think the 3rd time now. You @ me in a comment that got moved to the :poop:-hole. When you did this it brought to attention all the :poop: people were saying here. If you wouldn’t have @ me I wouldn’t have said anything about anything that is currently being said here.

you know exactly what you are doing and then will act like the victim if someone calls you out @John78

You are entitled to give an opinion, but without quoting me or directing your provocative comment at me without me talking to you before on that subject/matter, yes? Is it that simple. Write how many opinions as you want but don’t mention my name or quote me if i haven’t talked to you in that conversation you quoting me from.

I never control what people are saying bub. I am the one targeted here, not the other way around. And yes, in this case I am the victim of ToreyK a___e and insults all over the forum

Again, for 3 rd time the comment where i have @ you was wrote here in this topic and not moved here as a conversation with the other ones from somewhere else. Understand ? Cheers

Nope I don’t. Can you please explain it to me in greater detail. Cheers!

I already did. Now focus and understand. Good Luck.

No I need you to use smaller words for my simple kindergarten brain to understand.

Love you. Bye for now, Football time :wink: :kissing_heart: :hugs:

Why did your comment get moved here but not the comment your were responding to? :astonished: If you are responding to an on topic comment wouldn’t your response also be on topic? :thinking:

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Obviously he didn’t answer on topic like he did all day. Check my post on the K&V&N Topic and you will understand. Ohh, wait you did already, now you helping him to play the victim and a___e me with the other team Toreyk members

you 5 mins ago

She just edit and put my name as Toreyk members

I never signed up to be part of your BS club. How did I become a member? :sweat_smile:

Bored Hypocrite GIF by EUX Compagnie d'Improvisation

So called jab is free to make fun of realms and participants and viewers who are defending their realms which they like called banters
.! Now he is attacking other realms on purpose

 and he is free to do anything

Bye girls, enjoy your gossips

Okay baby girl :girl:t2: _____ milk :milk_glass: for energy