Pudding & Shenia

Look into Wiki and you will see who is Pudding :wink:

I know who Pudding is. If Junior also known as Scott Jr. is Pudding wouldn’t that make Scott Pudding Sr.?? :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Both of them are now wearing the same clothes since the place opened
 :see_no_evil: :joy:

His body is more strong. Scott Steak Sr. Shortly SSS or Triple S as very known post-Soviet boxer GGG.

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Are they realy that poor? I have seen more doing the same

Is that the reason she also does not shower? :rofl: :rofl:

Could be, water might be expensive over there. I seen some doing “shower visits” :yum::yum::innocent::innocent:

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This only serves the project "Save the planet!"

WTF :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

I , I, I , I thought pudding was the blonde haired girl or someone else who hadn’t come home yet,

but what the hell is this? Jr.Scottie
 :laughing: :dizzy_face: :woozy_face: :dizzy_face: :woozy_face:

Well this place has to rely on guests only. Shenia is super shy and Pudding well you know him
 :joy: :joy:
Would surprise me when they even sex

If so, then everyone for themselves in the dark, under the covers.
Or the cams are taken offline beforehand. :joy:

Yeah maybe the place will go offline by “accident” :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

There is another blonde visiting. Shenia dressed like she wants to go to an expedition to the South Pole.
Or maybe that is her Halloween outfit? :stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:

bandicam 2022-10-30 18-48-00-856 Interesting, this guy turns up greets Medea and Shenia with a hug, but ignores Goldie who he was snogging last night. :thinking:

Maybe the heating isn’t on yet. :laughing:

If that doesn’t happen anymore, Ken’s ruble won’t roll.

There was this girl with Nolan at the time, I don’t remember her name, but she was beautiful. Why isn’t she with him? I wish she would come

Mirka. Well my guess is they broke up

Ahhh! Mirka
 She was a very beautiful girl, :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: apparently they were just like friends back then and we never saw her again because realm moved. She was a very beautiful girl, but unfortunately we did not see her again after that time.

She is one of the “rare” girls I want her to return to. It was very nice, and a good choice
 :heart_eyes: :fire:

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maybe Medea can bring her as a guest. After all, she can bring even the oldest. :joy:Maybe she’ll bring her too. Because she was such a beautiful girl :star_struck: :hugs: :crazy_face:

don’t get too excited man, Mirka was nice but I don’t think she’ll be back again. I wish she would come back too but unfortunately