Pudding & Shenia

I dont agree with you Mister. They need these

Have used that it sure does what it says on the tin, or tube in this case :laughing:


None of the parties tonight are any good so far…

some local clubs are more fun to watch

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Looks like we might need another name. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Go on. I will add him to the Wiki later

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He never actually did anything other than snog Goldie. :rofl: :rofl:

What is up with Shenia? She never took a shower yet and all she kind of hides near the closet while changing…

Yes, she is a shy one, this is the best I’ve got so far.

bandicam 2022-10-29 16-51-42-243

Her right tit. :rofl:

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The bathroom Cam is offline, it fell down this morning Medea was doing repairs, I did a ticket, and it will be back when the Tennant tells them. You can bet your life Shenia will take advantage of this. :rofl:

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I wonder how they will have sex? :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:

I got them both ( . ) ( . ) :stuck_out_tongue:

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Just moving very fast. :wink:

Yep it was already solved. But thanks :wink:

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They probably if she ever does will be under the covers he tried once at Medea’s old place and that was the last time

Has Pudding Sr. aka The Maestro of the Hot Glue Gun, aka Scott Sr. shown up to the realm yet?? :thinking:

He is s___ping in the bedroom.

The OG Pudding or Pudding Jr.? :joy: