Pudding & Shenia

Pudding is home, and went straight to bedroom.

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At least doesn’t look like he’s been involved into a fight

Let’s see if the place will go offline today or at least the bathroom cam stops working so Shenia can take a shower :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Russian communication… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(be sure to turn on the sound)

i hope she is telling him that it is dog food.

That’s probably why he was over at Wayne’s house because he is not getting anything from the girl in the apartment with him and she is not showing anything she wears more clothes to s___p than she wears when she is up lol

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Did she take a shower yet? :rofl:

I believe there are bets in Vegas on that :stuck_out_tongue: Odds not good :grinning:

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I think not she must be doing it away from the house hell I am still surprised she is even here lol

Maybe she just likes to stink? :joy: :innocent:

There went my _____ in my lap …damn you :stuck_out_tongue:

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No,wonder bubba hasn’t done no under cover with her :stuck_out_tongue:

See he tried with her one time at Medea’s and all he got was her shirt off and that was it so to see her hear was kind of a surprise

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Yeah,i watched that good clickbait :stuck_out_tongue:

Well in that case by the time Pudding finely gets a piece she is going to be quite ripe downstairs… :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_v___ting:

Guest, visiting :stuck_out_tongue:


And sitting well away from stinky Shenia… :rofl: :rofl:

I just hope Pudding is happy with the s__t he caused at Wayne & Lyla’s last night. He certainly will not be getting any views from me!:rage:

No more stinky :joy: :heart:

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