Pudding & Shenia

Yeah he looked so different in the dark. My bad. Last beer was not good :joy: :innocent:

They give you a non a_____lic one ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At least he has plenty of covers :stuck_out_tongue:

She is not new. She has been to Medea place a few times. I believe her bf is the guy in the beanie, which I thought at first was still. Shes is gorgeous :heart:


But no name yet?

No. I don’t believe so. They just made out a couple of times.

Tartalina Sugaria Icecreamka

You always know Silver as her facial feature enters a room 2 secs before she does :laughing:

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Holly (censored) pudding fat guy eating GIF

I believe this place is the second coming of the Kaz House a lot of familiar people already. show must go on :stuck_out_tongue: All we need is for Scott and Gramps Moe to arrive :laughing:

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Surprised it lasted all night without a v_______n

You can see the effects of western sanctions. Wallpaper is becoming scarce in Russia!! :joy:

So far it’s a very timid apartment. :thinking: :frowning_face:

Just looking at where the cam is… :rofl: :joy:

This could be because Scott wasn’t there. :man_shrugging:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


They need some of this :rofl: :rofl: image

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It is a trademark of places where Ken installs the cams that they will fall off the walls :rofl: