Pudding & Shenia


While she is in the shower Pudding will get some of that other pie.

Well now we know what her body is like, and it’s not bad at all. :+1:

Kann mir jemand sagen wer hier wer wer ist ?

I never thought I would see that lol she has a very sexy body

lol is that real lol :joy: @jabbath1987 or photo shop lol

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Now she has showered, washed her hair, but between her legs she has completely forgotten. :joy: :woozy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is not a problem as she is not going to allow anybody to go between her legs anyway!:rofl:

Exactly. She’s so shy that she doesn’t even touch herself. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I thought pudding needed to be cooked, but apparently you make it in your s___p… :thinking:

Anything Can Happen to Pudding on Halloween Night

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Can we flush the Pudding :question:

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I guess she read our comments :stuck_out_tongue:

100 tickets to the support Go away f///ng Pudding!

For Pudding lovers :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:

Where have I seen that again… Online games are doing better than the girls stories.

Pudding just seems to have fun playing online now. Didn’t we already have that in another apartment?

I suggest rearranging the apartment: Shenia is replaced by Guido, then Pudding & Guido can play online. Food comes from the delivery service.

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