Party House

That mood I guess there is called “Katerstimmung” in German. I am not sure if there is an English expression for it. It describes a gloomy, desperate and possibly hopeless situation after a bad event happened.

We have an expression “Down in the dumps” that would fit that

Might be something like a hangover; when they party so hard, they can feel a bit down after :rofl:

I guess down in the dumps is quite fitting.


It translated to hangover.

But that is not what it means. The expression with “down in the dumps” is the closest to it.

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If you get a chance to go back and look when she started to push him off of her, he got mad he c___ed her and then he slapped her in the face twice before they went off-line

Weekday in Russia then;

More likely they just got fined the s__t out of and now they are doing what you guys want them to do, nothing risky. Enjoy your reward ticket makers. Now they will cam sit and be extra safe and extra boring. Expect to signage on the walls reminding the people entering how they must behave at all times and strict enf___ement of the rules. Good job guys!

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I watched the video that was posted which pretty much shows the whole thing. Go back and read what I said and you’ll see what I think actually happened. Feel free to disagree, but at best all you can say is that we don’t know for sure what happened. I think I’m right in this case though.

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April :heart:

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Most of the rooms since I have been on here if there is violence, meaning the boyfriend is hitting on the girlfriend or the husband is hitting on the wife. They normally shut the whole room down so instead of shutting, the whole room down old boy had a leak and I’m pretty sure, his girlfriend didn’t wanna leave because she was crying but we both know that he was not going to let her stay there without him And even though he did that to her, she left, because I’m going to assume that she still wanted to be with him but I do hope she comes back either by herself or with a new guy

Whatever happened, whichever the reason was, that guy was hitting the girl.

There is no single reason in the world ever that gives someone the right to hit the other. If you have a fight, do it with words, not by hands!

Whatever happened we dont know, but is in fact totally not important. Someone hits another, and that’s reason enough to close the realm down or to ban that person forever!


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Maybe time to take out the garbage? :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s still plenty of room… :joy: :sweat_smile:



Dorothy looks a lot better with new hairstyle. Makes her look many years younger.

Sakura and Anuel names removed from the bedroom.