On posts edited by Jabbath, converted to galleries

It is close to impossible to stay unbiased to anything. Everyone has their own opinion. The less moderators there are, the less opinions the forum may turn to, following the power moderator might have. The more moderators there are, the more democratic the flow may be. But both options are not perfect, that’s why I personally would like the forum to be as self-sustained as possible, which may be achieved by trust levels. There are 4 Trust Levels available at the forum, each unlock certain features. Trust Level 3, for example, lets users edit other’s posts and change the categories of the topics. This represents the idea that the more contribution one user has done, the more capabilities to keep the forum clean they have. Trust Level 4 is staff-assignable and can’t be reached automatically. This level allows splitting the topics and merging the posts where needed. You can read more on trust levels here, but keep in mind we have several formulas & permissions set up a bit differently, but ours are close to defaults.

Getting offended is a sad trend nowadays :slight_smile:

I see nothing offending in offering people the options of displaying the images they upload.

As per consecutive post limits, i said it before, this limitation is not ideal, and I share the opinion expressed by several users that this post limit could have a timer, to let “dead” topics being bumped by the same users. There is nothing wrong with this idea, but there is no such function in the system yet. We may have some time this week to start the developer’s bounty in attempt to introduce this feature to Discourse from us.

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Up to a point yes, many members tend to go slightly off topic sometimes, even MO lol, and me come to that, but generally it is only for a few posts and generally is in line with the current topic.

Moving them to the “s__thole” as it is now commonly known, only ends up with a whole topic of meaningless posts and a right mess.

I think it should be scrapped unless a great number of posts are posted on an entirely different theme, then i suppose a case could be made for this but in all honesty this is very rare.
After all we all love a laugh and a joke sometimes which could also be construed as going off topic but there has to be a bit of give and take and not subject to just one persons opinion which can lead to many bias’s coming into play.

I must admit i like Jin and many of his posts are rather accurate and to the point which may offend some but it is a public forum after all unless you want a dictatorship :rofl: where opinions are objected to just because the odd person doesn’t like them.
Yes i also agree he can be a pain in the ass sometimes and i have often told him so in the past but we all can be sometimes.
The main problem here is a personality clash with him and others, no names, which has carried over from CamCaps and i think unfortunately, will always be.which is a shame, and has greatly influenced many others in he process.

It is NOT a “trend”,it is a HUMAN emotion! One that, might I remind you, is common in some way or another to every single one of us.

Are you sure about this? I don’t think I can edit other’s posts. (Not that I’ve ever wanted to or needed to).

That’s not what I meant, sorry. What I wanted to express is my personal concern about people overreacting to other people’ opinions nowadays. Like everybody takes it to heart and forget how to chill.

Yes it does…I could if I wanted to…again, not that I would, as YOU said in relation to yourself.

personally I prefer using the ignore list function now it’s more simple I have alot of experience with the forums and I know now it’s a waste of time to continue to talk with some members I don’t want search the fight or with some members who give you a dislike just by pleasure because he doesn’t like you , I have already four users in my ignore list after only one week of activity here and I think it’s just a start.

The trouble is to many people these days just look for something to be offended about rather than just ignoring it, i think it is called the woke society :grinning: And just look for the opportunity of stirring up a hornets nest.

So you have alot of members on your ignore list. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Fair enough and thank you for clarifying. :slight_smile:

As the old saying goes “Too many cooks spoil the broth”

You should be able to:

  • Recategorize and rename topics

as per Understanding Discourse Trust Levels article.
Sorry, it’s topics then, not posts. Which are the first posts in the topics :smiley:

Yep, that does seem to be true but I feel that IN SOME CASES, feelings of others are over looked, when they shouldn’t be. Not just on the forum but in society in general.

Yep very true a case could be made for both of your points. Just a case of members behaving responsibly but as has been said before, we are all only human with human emotions which sometimes can get a bit carried away.

Only just seen that document which is very enlightening, thank you.

I just wished the ignored function worked properly that the person you ignore does not see your post and you don’t see their post. Even this ignored comment on the timeline is BS. If they and you both could completely not see the post, that would make me happy.

I don’t know and am only guessing now but this ignore function does seem to have a few funny’s with it. Does a member who quotes an ignored post, is that ignored post still shown in the reply? Always had done on CC.

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You can see a person has commented on your post even though you have ignored them, you can choose to ignore to read the comment but my gripe is that person who you have ignored should not have been able to see your original comment, just like Facebook

So when you want I can of course edit the posts back I put into a gallery. For some I was asked to do it, most people did not mind. Let’s see what the poll says

About off topic stuff. When the common opinion is it should not be moved anymore I will leave it there and wait til @VHTV_James moves it when they think it is too much and will only move stuff when people ask me to move theirs.